Mission Statement

Operations for Bridge and Beyond will cease on Dec 31, 2021, last mailing date should be Dec 24th


Goal: 30
Start: #24
Current: 26
Showing posts with label Afghans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Afghans. Show all posts

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Pippy Longstocking, The Afghan

This afghan was designed some time back and has been waiting in que (there are still many).  As you can see in this picture I was making piles of yarn by color.  When I do an all day sort/organize/design it truly takes all day.  I lug up all the bags from the basement, separate and go at it.

If you've been a frequent visitor to my blog, Bridge and Beyond, you know I name all the afghans I knit/crochet/or assemble from pieces parts.  I named this one Pippy Longstocking.  I was sorta at the end of the designing day and had things that really didn't look like they went together, and came up with the name, because it's funky, weird, wild and miss-matched, just like she was.

In the above picture you'll note I was trying to determine what color to use to edge and join.  I choose based on how much of something I have, as well as what it looks like to me.... in my mind...trying to see it completed.

I selected the green and have almost gotten each piece edged.  The pieces aren't the same size, which I knew going into it, they often aren't...I did say pieces parts.  The strips on the top are smaller than those on the bottom, so will need extra edging, but often I can't tell how much until I edge the rest for comparison.  They tend to stretch a bit as I edge and layout more smoothly.  Looking at it now, I think edging the two rust colored strips will make the ghan too long as I originally designed, so am thinking about enough edging on them to fit them to the sides...almost like they appear in the picture.  Obviously they aren't long enough to fit the whole side so there would be much more green.  Or perhaps I will add more to the sides of what's there and not use the 2 strips?  Love any input.  I will stare at it awhile as I continue to join the pieces and perhaps that will help me make a decision.

These strips were intended to be scarves, but they really are too far off the size we need, so I've designed a good number of afghans with them.

Hope you're all busy working on something.

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.

Saturday, February 22, 2020

Knitting and Crocheting in Sunny Florida for Ohio's Homeless

 Hurrah for this fantastic donation from our good friend, Sandra R from Florida, the Sunshine State.  See me dancing in the streets......you know I always do when we get mittens as part of a donation!   Sandra been beyond busy, seriously click to enlarge the picture so you can see all she's knitted and crochet.  In this picture she has knitted mittens, hats, and a scarf with fun colors.  The hats and mittens are all tagged with size and will fit a variety of sized people.  You will also notice the variety of styles in her hats.
 AND then this awesome Log Cabin style knitted afghan!  LOVE all the colors.  This sized so nice and will work for a family or indivual.  The colors work for male or female.  It's soft and nice and warmth.  WOW!
Wait, don't go, there's more to see........really 4 more scarves.  I believe these are crocheted.  It's official, I don't think Sandra eats or sleeps........she must be knitting and or crocheted 24 x 7........or she's super fast!

Wonderful donation that will touch so many in need.  As always thanks for all you do, and please keep up the good work.

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Coffee Latte Afghan Done and Donated

Drum Roll........I finally got Coffee Latte finished!  I first posted about starting Coffee Latte back on Feb 1th of 2019.  I also had started Blue Ocean.  It's typical for me to have lots of projects going at one time and bounce around between them.  I have big and little projects going, so I can tote the smaller ones with me.  I also vary what I'm working on between knitting and crocheting, as crocheting bothers the arthritis a bit more....plus in warmer months I don't like to have a big ghan on my lap.  

Anyway, those are my excuses for this taking so long.  I had it tucked away, and frankly sorta forgot about it; but am happy to now say.........yippee it's done.  It's a bit larger than some I make, which also made it take longer.  It's laying out here drying after being laundered.  I did a little bit of blocking, but not much was needed.  Just needed to smooth it out and of course let the yarn rest.  

It's always nice to get things laundered, as they look so much more finished, they soften up, and smooth out.

So Coffee Latte is our first afghan for the year 2020.

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.

Friday, February 7, 2020

Coffee Latte Almost Ready to Donate-Donation Goals for 2020

Coffee Latte.  Some of you may remember seeing this in it's early stages.  Well, it's been worked on off and on and then tucked away for far too long.  I took it with me recently on a vacation to Hilton Head to have something to work on that didn't need to be counted etc.  The stitches on the needle are those closest to you...and this means I have a few solid brown rows left followed by the final section of the brown variegated.  Then the fun of tucking in tails and it finally will be finished and begin our donations for Afghans for the current year (despite having been started last year).  

I started with the afghan so you can see the new method of forming our goals for the year.  In 2018 we donated 34 afghans and in 2019, 14.  I have varied through the years how I pick a goal and this year, decided I would not go back for lots of years, but be a simple average of the two most recent years...2018 and 2019.  So with that idea our goal for afghans to donate this year will be 24, which is actually 10 more than we donated last year......but, hey what's a goal if it's too easy to make, lol

So, in the previous post are the total for each of the items we count in our donation totals and I am now resetting each of goal charts/graphs here on Bridge and Beyond.  And with any luck at all, we'll see this one ghan finally completed and counted.

Thanks for your patience, as I was out of town longer than normal in January and February and didn't have the ability to do things here on my blog.  The next post will be the first official donation for calendar year 2020 from our good friend and long time supporter Sandra R from the sunny state of Florida.

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Knitted and Crocheted Afghans for Homeless Families

 LOVE the colors in the soft warm afghan.  Knitted in the corner to corner method (like Grandma's favorite dishcloth pattern).  Such a pretty color combination, it makes me think of the ocean.  This knitted afghan is being donated by our long time and always generous supporter, Sandra R from the sunny state of Florida.
 AND so it this earthy color combination.  This too is the corner to corner style Some beige, off white, gray's and very light purple/lavender.  Sandra luckily escaped the fears of the most recent hurricane, Dorian as it didn't hit Florida as predicted.  What a huge relief.  We're grateful you and your family and friends are safe and out of harms way.
 Don't blink twice folks.  Yes, this is another corner to corner knitted afghan from our friend Sandra R.  The colors look quite similar to the one above but aren't the same.  There's some blue in this one and more tan, I think.  This gives you an idea of the size of the ghans.  I was having trouble laying them out due to my space at the time I did the photo's, thus some are folded a bit.
 Now, if you're like me; you've decided by this time our friend Sandra R from Florida doesn't sleep.  You've also decided like me, she knits and or crochets all night long.  Yes...this is a 4th afghan.  This is the ever popular ripple and is crocheted.  Does she eat or sleep?  I don't know, but she's been very very busy with her yarn and hooks, and needles.  This ripple is a full size afghan, the corner to corner are a bit more like a large lapghan I think.  All will be loved, and all will keep someone warm.  I LOVE LOVE the colors in this one.
 AND....hope you're still with me.  This is a shell stitch design crocheted afghan of blues and tans.  Great colors for men or women.  I am truly in awe of how much she has been able to produce.  Thinking about it makes my arthritis hurt; but am so happy she's able to do this for Bridge and Beyond and all those we support

 If you're counting, this if her 6th afghan.  This too is crocheted using the same shell stitch as above but a different color combination.  Ok, earlier I said/wondered aloud if she sleeps or eats,...well know I wonder if she even takes bathroom breaks.  Her hook and needles must be like the Ever Ready Bunny...they keep going and going and going............
AND going!.  Similar colors to blue and tanish shell design, but this afghan is crocheted using good old double crochet.

As of the publishing of this post, these afghans have already been delivered to Homeless Families Foundation and are probably already making people in need happy.  Posts are written and scheduled to post...thus when you read this post........the donations will have already been delivered.

Many many thanks Sandra R for you long time support of Bridge and Beyond, your huge heart in helping homeless in need, and in your phenomenal talents.

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Sunny Florida Donation, Part II

 Sorry this picture is a bit blurry, I must have moved.  This crocheted and knitted donation is a continuation of the donation in the previous post from our good friend and long time supporter, Sandra R from the sunny state of Florida.  LOVE the colors she's chosen for the scarves, all good for men or women...teen or adult.  And the stitch she's used is nice and puffy and warm...very solid.  She's included some personal care items also........AND two knitted cotton wash cloths.

A wonderful knitted basket weave stitch afghan.  I love the texture this stitch provides.  AND please look (remember to click to enlarge any picture) at the colors...very nice indeed.  I believe this is a chunky yarn by the feel of it.  Very soft, very nice and I know will be received with great excitement.

Sandra does beautiful work, I just can't figure out when she sleeps!  Many thanks Sandra, and as always keep up the good work and know what a difference you've made in lives of many in need through your donations here at Bridge and Beyond.

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Knitting and Crocheting in Sunny Florida Helps Ohio's Homeless

 Look at this wonderful donation from our long time friend, Sandra R from the sunny state of Florida!!  She has been very busy knitting and crocheting.  She's knitted hats in different styles, colors and sizes.  She crocheted scarves, she's knitting the very popular corner to corner cotton washcloth, Grandma's favorite!!  WOW and WOW.  Lots of folks will be warm and know they are cared for with this donation.  Special thanks for always tagging your hats with sizes.  We strongly encourage everyone to do that.  AND.........look, she's also knitted mittens.  And yes we're finally warming up here in central Ohio, though the nights are still quite cool and we've not yet passed the danger of frost so donations are indeed still needed and still very much appreciated.
AND drum roll.  She also been busy crocheting an awesome corner to corner afghan.  I LOVE these colors, suitable for a man or a woman...So pretty.

Thanks for all your hard work Sandra, we really appreciate you.  Keep up the good work.

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.

Saturday, April 13, 2019

Knitting and Crocheting in Florida Helps Ohio's Homeless

Our good friend Sandra R from sunny Florida is at it again.  Look at this beautiful knitted log cabin style afghan!  I love it, colorful, cheery, warm, soft, and large enough to suit any family.  I really love this design, it's so traditional and also such a nice way to use up stash.  I love the variety of colors, and even with each square not being the same she's balanced the colors beautifully.
She's been very busy folks, not only did she knit the beautiful afghan, but she's also knitted cotton washcloths and crocheted scarves as well.  Helping more people with each and every stitch.
Thank you Sandra R for your on going support of Bridge and Beyond and Ohio's Homeless.  

Please keep up the good work.

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Crocheting for the Good of Others

Look at these lovely scarves from our friend Lisa!  She's been very busy with her crochet hook making scarves to warm those in need.  She's crocheted a variety in both size and colors, something for everyone.  Thank you for caring for Ohio's Homeless, Lisa.

She's also crocheted an afghan!  LOVE the colors Lisa.  This afghan will be so well received.  It's nice and warm, and big enough for a man, or woman, or couple of teens in a household.

Many thanks for your generous donation.  Please know you are making a difference, an important difference in the quality of people's lives.  Please keep up the good work!

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Colorful Crocheted Donation

Thank you Sandie P from Louisiana for this fun colorful crocheted donation of strips.  Lots of color, lots of strips.  I'll be joining these to make a fun afghan, so please stay tuned to see it's progress.  Still debating about what color I want to use to edge and join it.  First impulse is black....will look, I think like stained glass.  Will lay this out side by side to determine what order I want the strips in and perhaps lay various colors of yarn along side to determine what color I'd like to use to pull it all together.  But, as always open to thoughts and suggestions from you all, so please chime in below in the comments.

As always, Sandie's work is beautiful and I look forward to playing with these fun colorful strips.  Many thanks Sandie and please keep up the good work.  Together, we here on Bridge and Beyond can make an important difference in the lives of many.

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Crocheting a Corner to Corner Afghan in Sunny Florida Helps Those Homeless and Cold in Ohio

Look at this awesome crocheted corner to corner afghan from our good friend and long time supporter Sandra R from sunny Florida!  PLEASE remember you can always click pictures to see details, to simply see it better and up close and more personal.  I LOVE this ghan.  It's colors work for men or women.  It's a corner to corner design that we all love and it breaks up colors in a fun way that's always a surprise to both the knitter or crocheter as they work.  I also love how nice and warm this is as the stitch is a good solid stitch.  This afghan is sized nicely also, in that it will work nicely for an individual adult or a family.

Many many thanks Sandra for your talented hands, and your continued support of Bridge and Beyond and Ohio's cold Homeless in need.  We truly value your support.

As always, please keep up the good work and know you make a difference.  Thank you for all you do.

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Blogging in Alphabetical Order A =

 I will continue the  practice of blogging in alphabetical order when I don't have donations to share with  you all. 

Abandoned,  Anxiety, Arrest,  Assistance.  Those words are a few I came up with that start with the letter A and have a connection with homelessness.  Feeling abandoned must be a daily occurrence for folks who are homeless.  They might feel abandoned by friends, by family, by co-workers or even by the military.  They might take up residence in an abandoned building.
No doubt they also experience much anxiety in the daily lives.  Anxiety  about finding food, being warm enough, being arrested.  Often they are the first suspected of a crime.  It's a sad existence for certain.

I read a statistic on a website filled with too many numbers to quote them all, but it indicated that on a single night in January of 2017, 553,742 people were homeless across the US.  65% of that number were homeless people who were sheltered for the night while 35% where un-sheltered.  We work to ease the burden be they sheltered or un-sheltered individuals.  

We do what we can do to ease the burden, to help warm, to help people feel less abandoned by society.  One thing we do is make afghans.  We knit them, we crocheted them and donate them.  Additionally I often piece together squares or strips to make an afghan.  The above brown afghan, Coffee Latte is one I started about a week ago.  It's being knit in simple garter stitch.  I'm also still working on Blue Ocean as well, though it's going a bit slower.  It's a ripple using the stockinette stitch.

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

First Donated Afghan for 2019 is Crocheted

YIPPEE!  Our good friend Karen S get's the applause for the first afghan to be donated in the year 2019.  It  looks sorta blue here in the picture, but really is more gray...blue-is gray.  It's nice and warm and crocheted beautifully.  The size and the color is suitable for anyone.......male or female.  Whomever get's this afghan will be thrilled and know someone cares.  Showing someone they are cared for, and not forgotten is so important.  That's why we focus so much on hand made.  Take your time, and your talent to knit or crochet something for someone you don't know shows them the caring, shows them the love.

Many thanks Karen, and please keep up the good work.  YOU do make a difference!!

I've got two afghans in the works right now myself.  What are you all working on?

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Crocheted Afghan, Getting Close to Donation Goal for 2018.

Thank you Karen N for this lovely afghan.  I love the colors!  This ghan is nice and soft and warm on top of being such cool colors.  We all love to bundle up in a homemade afghan during the cold ugly winter and the folks who receive this through Homeless Families Foundation will feel the same.  Additionally, I hope they feel the love that exists when our busy hands knit or crochet an afghan for them.

Many thanks Karen for your hard work, please know how much it matters.

Hey folks...have you looked at our goals?  Have you noticed the afghan goal?  Quick, take a look.  Drum roll, look how close we are to our goal...this afghan makes us hit 94%, well slightly over 94%.  Though it is now January 2, as I type this blog post....I've not yet closed the stats for the year because we have donations that came in before the end of the year that you've not yet seen...........so, I'll close the books a bit down the line when all donations are accounted for here on Bridge and Beyond.  That's pretty typical.  AND if a donation or two come in while that's happening, well then I'll count them as well in this years totals.

Please stay tuned folks.

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Cardiac Collage and Earth and Sky Help our Donation Goals

 You might remember seeing this afghan while it was in the works, Cardiac Collage.  The color is a bit funky here, you know how bad light can be a problem when taking photo's.  We have so much gray drabness here in Ohio, it's often a problem if I don't get the photo done during the day, or there's no sunshine.  Cardiac Collage, so named because I started it while sitting in the ER when my Dear Hubby was having a Cardiac Event.  I purposely made each square different, with different amounts of colors, and some squares don't have representations of each color.  From a design perspective.........I wanted it to be without pattern, much as a cardiac event is.........additionally, I didn't have the same amount of each color and was trying to use up some stash.  This photo was taken prior to it being laundered and blocked so when that was accomplished (yesterday) it measured about 54 inches square.  The squares are knit, sorta like a log cabin pattern with picking up stitches each time you changed colors.  I enjoy doing that, but am not a fan of how many ends there are to work in.  Soooooooo, after getting all the squares done,
I switched to working on a simple striped afghan.  These colors are very soothing, very peaceful, and there is indeed a pattern to this design.  I named this one Earth and Sky for the green grass, brown earth, and blue skies.    This photo was also taken  before it was laundered and blocked (it's drying as we speak and now measures about 60 x 65).  

One Earth and Sky was done and waiting to be laundered (had to wait til after Christmas so I had floor space to block it), I returned to the squares for Cardiac Collage and edged them all by crocheting in the darker blue, then crocheted them together, and finally crocheted a couple of rows all around as the border.

We're close to our goal for afghans, and I'm not yet closing the books on 2018.

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.

Friday, December 21, 2018

Sunshine and More Donated from Florida for Ohio's Homeless

 Please join me in being excited...see those mittens?  Of course you do, and hats, and scarves from our good friend always generous supporter, Sandra R from the sunny state of Florida.  Always wonderful to get a box of sunshine from Sandra.  Great Colors and a nice mix of sizes to warm lots of folks in need.
 But...as you see, that was only one pouch, there are more.
And another awesome corner to corner afghan.  Love these colors, I find it very restful.  Sandra do you eat, and sleep?  Your crochet hook must be smokin at times with the amount of stuff you're able to get done.  Plus the knitting of the mittens and hats etc.  All are wonderful.  As always, thank you for all you do.  We're thrilled to have you on board here at Bridge and Beyond helping Ohio's Homeless in need.

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.

Friday, December 14, 2018

Crocheting for Bridge and Beyond Helps Homeless

Sorry the picture turned out so yellowish.  I even tried editing it, but the light was so bad the day this was taken I had every light in the house on...thus is looks odd and.  However this lovely warm crocheted afghan was brown and orange and was made and donated by our good friend Karen S.  Karen I love it, I love the boldness of it and how the color really work for anyone; but particularly some of our men folk.
Karen has also been busy looming several hats and crocheting an awesome scarf to match any of the 3 hats.  Thanks for remembering to tag the hats with size (nudge nudge to some of you...please remember to do this).

AND, she's also included 7 nice cotton crocheted washcloths.  I love this variegated yarn, not sure I've come across this one before.  Again, colors work for anyone, but are nicely geared male!

Thank you Karen for your hard work and on going dedication to helping Bridge and Beyond help Ohio's Homeless in Need.

Please keep up the good work.
**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

WOW, What a Donation for the Homeless

Look at this wonderful collection of hats and mittens!  All are tagged with size and all beautifully made.  These are from a good friend and long supporter, Sandra R from the Sunny State of Florida.  Please click the picture to see the details.  The hats are several different styles and sizes.  AND what a wonderful assortment of color.  AND you know how excited I get with mitten donations!
Sandra and her crochet hook have been very busy...just as busy as she was above with her knitting needles.  Look at this lovely corner to corner crocheted afghan.  I love the colors, and believe this works well for a male or female to wrap up in and feel loved, as well as warm.
Don't stop scrolling, she also included Scarves!  Several styles and colors here also.  Some knit and some crocheted.  

Many thanks Sandra for your thoughtful donation, please keep up the good work.

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Hats, Scarves, and Lapghans Donated

Hats and Scarves
 Thank you Karen S....for this thoughtful donation.  Bet you all knew it was from her the minute you saw the scarves; though others have now started crocheting scarves in this fashion as well.  You can't go wrong with the color of blue.  Blue works well for men or women...and blue works well for any age group.  Always LOVE the look of the light and darker side with this stitch.  And Karen's also included some nice warm knit on a loom hats.  Many thanks Karen for taking the time to tag hats with size, that's always appreciated by the folks at the shelters as well as me.  It also spends up time in getting donated hats to the right folks....size wise.
AND...look, Karen's also crocheted a lapghan in nice blues and tans, again suitable for men or women.  The size (lapghan), can also work nicely for a younger child to snuggle up in.  

Many thanks Karen for your on going support of Bridge and Beyond and Ohio's Homeless.

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Warm Donations from The State of Florida Help Ohio's Homeless

 Guess who's been busy...come on guess.  I bet those of you who visit frequently get like me and can identify some of the donators by what they donate.  Knitted mittens that always make me squeal with delight and or dance in the streets, lol.  You got it.  This wonderful donation is from our good friend in Florida, Sandra R.  Hats in a variety of sizes and colors and mittens to warm lots of hands!  Thank you Sandra.
AND....look at this pretty afghan, crocheted corner to corner.  I LOVE these colors.  Very pretty.  The afghan is sized nicely to keep adults warm, and the stitch selection is nice and solid.......therefore, nice and warm.  

I swear I think Sandra must knit and crochet in her sleep.  I don't know how she get's so much done.

Many thanks, and please keep up the good work.

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.

Where are You and Your Yarn From?

I'm trying to identify where everyone is from, partially for fun. Take a look at the map. Also, believe it will aid me in cases where we have several people with the same name. Please look at the lists of bloggers and non bloggers and see if I have the state you hail from. If not, please leave a comment and let me know.

Additionally, we've had help from Scotland, England, Germany Puerto Rico, Canada, and France! They don't appear on the map, but their help is still greatly appreciated.

Where The People Who Donate Come From, is your state represented?