Mission Statement

Operations for Bridge and Beyond will cease on Dec 31, 2021, last mailing date should be Dec 24th


Goal: 30
Start: #24
Current: 26

Monday, August 2, 2010

Before Blocking a Knitted Afghan

knitted afghan for homelessThis is my completed corner to corner ghan. My first knitted ghan. I do enjoy knitting; but typically crochet ghans. This ghan is knitted corner to corner using the very basic dish cloth pattern starting out with casting on 4 stitches and ending up with 4 stitches before the bind off. I meant to count how many stitches were on the middle row before I began my decease but didn't. Knitting always requires blocking while crochet usually doesn't. One of the reason's I tend to crochet ghans more then knit them. However, I like the mindless ease of the corner to corner ghan and even when just using the basic stitch think the corner to corner business adds to the over all design of a ghan, adds interest I think. It also makes using up odds and ends easier as you don't have to worry about having enough yarn to make really long rows all the time. I didn't count the number of rows before changing colors, changed when I felt like it, or when the yarn looked like it might be running out. You can see some of the colors were repeated, some not. Even where the colors repeated, I might have stopped because I was at the end of that ball. Sometimes you have multiple little balls of the same color.

A good portion of this yarn was from my stash, some was donated by Dear Bunny, some from my DD, some from Rae's Mother, some from Lydia, and some from Tony. So, while I did the knitting, it seemed like a group project to me.

After putting it in the laundry, I blocked it for several days while I was working on the Bits of this and that ghan which will also be for our friends over at Pine Street.

**You still have time to get yourself entered in the blog contest and win free yarn.

Scarves 172
Hats 205+43=248
Mittens 19
Socks 59

Hats 368
Mittens 66
Scarves 147
Socks 79 pair*counts from day 1, Dec 2 2008

Saturday, July 31, 2010

HATS of many Hues for Homeless

This is post #186(only 14 post left before we hit 200 when the winner of the blog contest will be announced)

knitted hats for homelessOur luscious loomer comes through again with flying colors! Look at these wonderful wonderful hats. Solids, varigated, ton tones....Frank's knitted on his faster than the speed of light looms again. WOW, he leaves me speechless. The larger hats will go directly to our folks under the bridge while the others will be divided to keep kids and their moms warm at the 2 free clinics.

I feel like cheering. Frank Frank he's own man, if he can't do it, nobody can! Ok, I know corny cheer like that show how old I am; but seriously if I could do a handstand or a cartwheel or anything along those lines; I would indeed be cheering. Kids, Moms, and the homeless men under the bridge will all benefit from Franks fabulous hats.

HUGS and many many thanks Frank. Keep up the good work, it is so truly appreciated.

***Don't forget about the contest, help us celebrate a milestone. We're counting down to hitting milestone of 200 blog posts. We're giving away free yarn. You can't win, if you don't enter. Read how to enter HERE, and get busy. Time's a tickin.

Scarves 172
Hats 205+43=248
Mittens 19
Socks 59

Hats 368
Mittens 66
Scarves 147
Socks 79 pair*counts from day 1, Dec 2 2008

Monday, July 26, 2010

Knitting Scarves for the Homeless

2 knitted scarves for homelessThese 2 light'n'lofty scarves were knitted. Originally I had planned to donate these scarves to Passions of the Heart, but they turned out warmer then I anticipated they would be. Guess it's been awhile since I've knitted with that yarn and had forgotten how thick and warm it is. So, since they're warm decided they were better suited for people in need of warmth; bodily warmth as well as emotional warmth and these have now gone to our Bridge and Beyond Charity to warm homeless here in Central Ohio.

The picture was taken just before I finished the 2nd scarf, had to tuck ends in and add fringe; but I was busy taking lots of pictures and decided to go ahead with the photo for convenience.

I finished the corner to corner ghan last night except for trim and tucking in ends which hopefully will happen in the next couple of days. So, keeping busy trying to stock pile items for the homeless here in Central Ohio. When the cold hits suddenly, we do want to be prepared.

Please keep your hooks and needles busy the remainder of the summer, help us by spreading the word, AND don't forget to enter the blog contest. We're giving away free yarn!! Read all about the contest and tell all your friends.

15 More posts to go, so get busy.

Scarves 170+2= 172
Hats 205
Mittens 19
Socks 59

Hats 368
Mittens 66
Scarves 147
Socks 79 pair
*counts from day 1, Dec 2 2008

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Chipping away

knitted afghan for homelessChipping away at my corner to corner ghan. Put it away for awhile as I needed small items to take out of town, and small items to take to work to work on at lunch etc. But, wanting to show the progress here on the corner to corner ghan for our friends at Pine Street. Using up odds and ends, some from my stash some that folks have gifted and donated to me. Fun to see the variety of colors. I'm officially over half done as I'm now doing the decreasing part, though knitting is indeed slower then crocheting. However, knitting seems to bother my arthritis and carpal tunnel a bit less. What really seems to work is a nice blend of each so hand and arms, shoulders etc. don't get overly tired.

Natually am continuing to work on the Bits of This and That Ghan for the same cause picture here. AND, don't forget to read all about the contest where you can win yarn and related goodies. So far we have one our of members entered, Sandie. Best of luck to you Sandie and all others who get involved. Might have more by the time you read this, since this is a scheduled post. So this then makes it 16 posts needed to reach our 200th landmark which is why we're celebrating by having a fun contest and giving away goodies.

Hope you're all continuing to knit and crochet each and everyday to help those less fortunate. O truly believe together we can and do make a difference, one stitch at a time.

Blessings to all

Hats 368
Mittens 66
Scarves 147
Socks 79 pair*counts from day 1, Dec 2 2008

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Life gives us bits of this and that

beginning of an aghan for homelessThis is the beginning of another project using some of This and That. Not a good picture, looks like I must have moved when I click the shutter, it's blurry; but there will be other pictures. As you can see these squares are all different sizes, but I believe with edging and altering the sizes of some of these squares and rectangles I'll be able to make a ghan that's like life............pieced together. Some of these are crocheted, some are knitted. There's a mix of yarn, but similar in weight. I no longer remember where all have come from as I've gotten items when groups have closed down as well as from individuals. I do know several of these were knitted by my Darling Daughter, several came from our good friend Sandie and her daughter Kate, a couple are from Alma, and I crocheted a couple.

I believe with a good size border this will end up being an appropriate size to send to our friends at Pine Street. In addition, I am still working on the knitted corner to corner ghan. Homelessness is a huge problem so encouraging folks who were homeless is a worthy cause.

Please keep your knitting needles and crochet hooks busy throughout this summer making hats, scarves and mittens for our Bridge and Beyond, cold weather will be here before we know it and each year the need grows.

Bless you all for your ongoing support.

Scarves 147+23=170
Hats 204+1=205
Mittens 18 pairs+1=19
Socks 53 pairs + 6 = 59

Hats 368
Mittens 66
Scarves 147Socks 79 pair*counts from day 1, Dec 2 2008

***When this blog hits 200 posts, there will be a yarn give away. We're currently at 183 posts, so 17 posts from now. To enter you must leave a comment on the 200 post, and the very first post when this blog started. The winner will be chosen by putting names into a hat. If you'd like to increase your chances at winning here's several ways to accomplish that:
  1. Make a blog post with link here for another entry
  2. And comments to the 100th post (counts as 2 entries)
  3. Answer the question who's the luscious loomer? (2 entries, which you can find by poking aound here a bit, leave comment on that blog, don't give away answer here please
  4. Answer the question when was Sock it to me Month? (leave comment on that blog post (1 entry)
  5. Become a follower, Tweet, and or facebook a post you particularly like (1 entry for each), be sure and tell me you did this
Spread the word, the more who enter the more fun we can have while we work together one stitch at a time to help the homeless.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Starts of this and that

this and that and yarnOur good friend Sandie teaches crochet and often needs to make a little of this and that to demonstrate a stitch, a shape, a technique. I'm going to use some of this donation along with some odds and ends from my daughter, and squares from Alma to put together a ghan or two that I hope will work out appropriately for The Pine Street Project. No formulated plan yet, need to ruminate a bit; but will keep you all posted.

Thanks Sandie for the donations of yarn as well.

And, PLEASE take a minute register and vote to help homeless financially, with housing etc; even if you personally don't have the means to write a check.

Hats 368
Mittens 66
Scarves 147
Socks 79 pair*counts from day 1, Dec 2 2008

Where are You and Your Yarn From?

I'm trying to identify where everyone is from, partially for fun. Take a look at the map. Also, believe it will aid me in cases where we have several people with the same name. Please look at the lists of bloggers and non bloggers and see if I have the state you hail from. If not, please leave a comment and let me know.

Additionally, we've had help from Scotland, England, Germany Puerto Rico, Canada, and France! They don't appear on the map, but their help is still greatly appreciated.

Where The People Who Donate Come From, is your state represented?