Mission Statement

Operations for Bridge and Beyond will cease on Dec 31, 2021, last mailing date should be Dec 24th


Goal: 30
Start: #24
Current: 26

Friday, April 30, 2010

crocheted scarves
Warm beautiful crocheted scarves! Karen V made the tan one with the design, the beautiful dark green, and the pretty pastel scarf. The multi-colored scarf top left and dark blue varigated scarf were made by someone in her sorority. A while back Karen and her group made a decision to help our cause and even those in her group who don't knit or crochet have purchased yarn to give those who who do knit and crochet. I love how things become a team effort. Together, I believe we can accomplish many things.

Many hands make the work lighter, and more enjoyable.

Thank you so much for your on going support, it's appreciated.
Scarves 143
Hats 188
Mittens 13 pairs
Socks 28 pairs

Thursday, April 29, 2010


It's been awhile since I've posted about socks, so since I've gotten a few questions regarding socks thought it must be time for me to discuss socks. Socks are always needed, all 12 months of the year. When one lives outside in the elements, having dry feet can be quite a challenge. Even when it's not frigid, wet feet are uncomfortable. Having clean dry socks to change into can be such a blessing. Some of the folks living under the bridges might have opportunities to wash their socks; but even then getting them dry to put on again can be difficult.

When I've purchased socks I've gotten the bulk packs at Target, Sams, and Kohl's. If gotten white and dark colors. If you're busy and tight for time to knit or crochet; you can still lend a hand. Please consider donating a package of socks. They really are very appreciated.

Scarves 143
Hats 188
Mittens 13 pairs
Socks 28 pairs

Hats 368
Mittens 66
Scarves 147
Socks 79 pair*counts from day 1, Dec 2 2008

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

For the Kids

Thank you James, what a wonderful donation this is. I always admire your knitting skills. The sweater and hat set are going to make someone really really happy. I love the two sided hat. Did you knit that in the round, changing color half way through and decrease both ends? I'm trying to visualize the method.

And the blue and green hat with the design....oh if someday I could knit that like that! These are going to the clinic for the kids, thank you for your ongoing support and thoughtful donation.

Everytime I open a donation from you all I am giddy. You are all amazing. Thank you!

Scarves 141+2=143
Hats 185+3=188
Mittens 13 pairs
Socks 28 pairs

Hats 368
Mittens 66
Scarves 147
Socks 79 pair*counts from day 1, Dec 2 2008

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Stripes of this and that on the needles

knitted afghanI don't usually photograph and show you something in the works; but felt I would this time for several reason. Firstly, this is the start of a afghan which is being knitted with odds and ends; many of which are left over's or donated from lots of wonderful people. Ok, that's not particularly news worthy, we all often use our stash, our odd's and ends. However, this is a little different because it will be a ghan; not a hat, not a pair of mittens, and not a scarf. It is though still an item to be used for charity..........AND it is still an homeless charity at that.

I wanted to tell you all about this charity; not to have you stop making hats, mittens, and scarves. PLEASE KEEP THOSE COMING. But, because I've just added an additional badge to this blog (or did a few days ago), and wondered if you all had seen it? It's a poster I've always LOVED. Rosie The Riveter. The spirit of that poster always makes me think what fabulous things women did when The Men were off fighting World War II. But, I'm getting off track and there's quite a story there.

If you click on the Badge you will be taken to their webpage, Pine Street. They take care of folks on the street, like we do; but they also house homeless. They get some folks off the street and when they get a place to live are given a house warming gift of a hand made afghan. The ghans are knitted and crocheted from 9 inch squares that are put together specifically for these folks to encourage them to continue to stay off the streets. It's a wonderful program worthy of our support. When you have yarn left after making hats, scarves, mittens etc...why not make a square or two?

This can be done individually, or if you like you can send your squares to me and I'll mail in mass as our group donation. Let me know your thoughts, and please take a minute to review their webpage.

Now a wee bit of history on this diagonal ghan I've started. The tan is from Rae's mother donation, the red from my stash, and the blue textured yarn is the same yarn I used to make a scarf with the yarn donation from Bunny. So, as I continue to work on this ghan, I'll continue to let you know how it progresses, and what each strip represents.
Scarves 141
Hats 185
Mittens 13 pairs
Socks 28 pairs

Hats 368
Mittens 66
Scarves 147
Socks 79 pair
*counts from day 1, Dec 2 2008

Friday, April 23, 2010

More lovely Hats

Let's clap for Alma! Look at the hat on the right, she knitted it on a loom. I remember reading on her blog that she was not going to let that loom beat her; and by George she persevered and we have this nice hat for our homeless! Well done Alma. The pretty blue on the left is crocheted. Thanks Alma for your ongoing support of our cause. We appreciate all your efforts.

Hugs and keep up the good work!

Please stop over and see Alma, she's going to town both with her yarn and her blog.

Scarves 141
Hats 183+2=185
Mittens 13 pairs
Socks 28 pairs

Hats 368
Mittens 66
Scarves 147
Socks 79 pair
*counts from day 1, Dec 2 2008

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Why, part II

Homeless Veteran in wheelchairWhy? Part One Here, please read if you missed it.

Why, part II? Because this man served his country for you, and for me; and now he needs our help. This man is not alone. Veterans makes up a huge portion of our Homeless across the country. He served us, and now it is our duty to return the service.

Please join us, help us give back to those that gave so much for us.

Hats 368
Mittens 66
Scarves 147
Socks 79 pair
*counts from day 1, Dec 2 2008

Where are You and Your Yarn From?

I'm trying to identify where everyone is from, partially for fun. Take a look at the map. Also, believe it will aid me in cases where we have several people with the same name. Please look at the lists of bloggers and non bloggers and see if I have the state you hail from. If not, please leave a comment and let me know.

Additionally, we've had help from Scotland, England, Germany Puerto Rico, Canada, and France! They don't appear on the map, but their help is still greatly appreciated.

Where The People Who Donate Come From, is your state represented?