Mission Statement

Operations for Bridge and Beyond will cease on Dec 31, 2021, last mailing date should be Dec 24th


Goal: 30
Start: #24
Current: 26

Monday, February 17, 2020

Fellow Ohioan Helps Warm Homeless

Thank you Tara B for your thoughtful donation of crocheted scarves to help Ohio's Homeless.  Tara is our newest pair of helping hands.  Welcome Tara, we're thrilled to have you join us here on Bridge and Beyond.  Tara is also a fellow Buckeye!

These scarves are nice and warm.  The gray scarf is well suited for a man and the blue and orange for a lady.  

As a fellow Buckeye, Tara knows how cold and damp our weather is......and how many days we go without seeing sunshine.  Thank you Tara for using your skills to help those less fortunate.

Hope to see you here often on Bridge and Beyond.  Please keep up the good work.

**Edited to add the stitch used is a Feather Stitch, thank you Cynthia Biggs for finding the name and video of how to do it."  And to Sandie P for finding the code to add the video here for you.  It's an interesting stitch and since several ask me about it, thought I'd share what it is and how to do it...in case you're interested.

 **The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. I'm curious about the stitch used in these. Very nice!

    1. I've had 2 people ask me what it is, but I don't recognize it. Was hoping you might know. I'll send her a note and see if I can find out.

  2. Welcome Tara B! Very nice scarves.

    1. Thank you Sue for your visit and always supportive comments. You rock!


PLEASE leave your name and url, NOT a profile link, not a google or google plus. Only name and url will take me directly to your blog to return the favor of a comment.

Where are You and Your Yarn From?

I'm trying to identify where everyone is from, partially for fun. Take a look at the map. Also, believe it will aid me in cases where we have several people with the same name. Please look at the lists of bloggers and non bloggers and see if I have the state you hail from. If not, please leave a comment and let me know.

Additionally, we've had help from Scotland, England, Germany Puerto Rico, Canada, and France! They don't appear on the map, but their help is still greatly appreciated.

Where The People Who Donate Come From, is your state represented?