Mission Statement

Operations for Bridge and Beyond will cease on Dec 31, 2021, last mailing date should be Dec 24th


Goal: 30
Start: #24
Current: 26

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Knitting Looms

A-Z Challenge =L= Loom
These are plastic colorful looms in 4 sizes with the special hook one needs along with a darning needle.  This is what you typically get in a kit.  The kits are inexpensive and easy to use.  They produce knitting and have become very popular.  They're a good way to knit, if you don't know how to knit, as well as just something different to do.  When they first became popular they were primarily used to knit hats.  Some looms are plastic, some are wood and some are super flexible.
The size is consistent regardless of what brand you buy.  The knitting gauge is based on the space between the pegs.  Some folks even make their own looms.  Now looms come in ovals, rectangles, and stripes in addition to these basic circles.  People have tweaked patterns and you can make scarves, mittens and more on them.  We have those who donate to Bridge and Beyond for the Homeless using these types of looms.  They are generally used with double yarn, or bulky yarn and many feel the knitting goes faster on looms then hand knitting with needles.  I confess, that while I have a set of looms (have for years), I've not really used them.  Perhaps someday I'll give them a try.

When we were kids, we used looms...looms made from wooden spools of empty thread.  Yes!  I am that old that I remember wooden spools of thread, in fact I still have a few, lol  You could pound small nails evenly around a large wooden spool and for a hook.........we used a diaper pin.  See told you I was old....diaper pins, mothers today don't even have any on hand.  All we could make back then was a cord, but we did it for hours at a time.

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.

Monday, April 13, 2015


 A-Z Challenge = K= Knitting
Knitting is the name of the craft that involves two needles and yarn or thread. Loops in the yarn are manipulated with the needles to make a knitted fabric.

The pretty primary colors you see in the yarn is reminiscent of the very first yarn I used when my Mom taught me to knit.  I was very young, I think maybe 7.  I knit a little scarf that was about 3-4 inches wide, similar to a headband, except that it covered the top of your head, your ears, then tapered and had ties to tie under your chin.  My Mom used a crochet hook to make the tapering and the tie.  I used 2 stitches knit and purl.  You knit on the front side and purl on the back side which means your doing the stockinette stitch.
Which looks like this.  It's what you see most often in sweaters, it's a smooth rather flat stitch.  Variegated yarns are fun cause you don't know the colors will come out.  That little scarf is the only thing I knitted.............took me what seemed like forever.  I didn't pick up knitting again until I was in my 40's.  It'a fond memory though of Mom teaching me.  Too bad she's no longer alive to know how much I enjoy the craft.

We knit, we crochet and we donate to help homeless and those in shelters.  Please join us.

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Sunday Review for A-Z Challenge

Picture of Primrose Afghan, assembled and donated to Homeless Families Foundation  previously, but happens to be a picture on hubby's laptop, and since I dislike blog posts without pictures thought I'd pop this one in.

Happy Sunday, thought I'd do a little review of the A-Z challenge so far.  I believe I'm enjoying it more this year because rather then be upset that people aren't really participating, using the system, going to the trouble of reporting (as we're suppose to)offending blogs to the organizers, I'm just passing them by and moving on.  By not dwelling on them, keeping track etc I am less bothered.

The positives:

  • Have gained followers, was around 295 ish when challenge began
  • Have had thoughtful comments from people who have learned something about homelessness they didn't know or realize before.
  • Have inspired some folks to get out their knitting or crochet needles and hooks and help us, and or donate to their locale shelters
  • Simply spreading the word about the problem,the need to help, and ways to help...........always positive
How I've used the challenge:

  • As soon as I signed up I started visiting 5 blogs daily from the linky, so about 10 days prior to the official start of April 1, I began getting some visits.  This is suggested
  • Wrote a reveal post (separate linky to join prior to the official start to reveal the theme of your month of blogging).  Not everyone, in fact the bulk of those in the linky didn't elect to select a theme or post theme.  Visited 5 additional blogs daily for about 4 or 5 days or the reveal linky
  • Wrote and scheduled all posts ahead of the start on April 1st, in order to spend time daily visiting blogs.  
  • Continued to visit 5 blogs daily not before visited from the linky, and returned every visit/comment made here
  • Started a blog log (in the right sidebar) of those that visited and left comments and continued to visit them.  
The Alphabetical Blog Posts to Date: (please if you missed one, do take time to visit)

A=Afghans, Family Heirlooms
B= Bridge and Beyond, Behind the Scenes
C=What is Crochet
E=Exposure Kills Homeless Vet
F= Crying and Homeless and Freezing Temperature
G= Gubbio, A Homeless Project, St. Boniface Church
H=Hobo and Homelessness
I= Inspiration
J= What is Joy

Google stats indicate the A, B, and G posts had the highest stats of visits with G being 146, though, we received far fewer actual comments.  I'm not up to speed to know if those are simply clicks vs time spent to actually read.  I think it may just be clicks?  Any one know?

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.

Where are You and Your Yarn From?

I'm trying to identify where everyone is from, partially for fun. Take a look at the map. Also, believe it will aid me in cases where we have several people with the same name. Please look at the lists of bloggers and non bloggers and see if I have the state you hail from. If not, please leave a comment and let me know.

Additionally, we've had help from Scotland, England, Germany Puerto Rico, Canada, and France! They don't appear on the map, but their help is still greatly appreciated.

Where The People Who Donate Come From, is your state represented?