He knows and enjoys what we do, and likes to see where all the goods come from. This time though, he truly outdid himself. With the help of his very awesome and adorable son J....arranged these boxes for me to enjoy. His son.........who's adorable was concerned that all the packages were for me, and so they left the Fortune Magazine for my Darling Hubby. How cute is that!!
I envisioned J....sitting in the opening between the boxes and need to ask.............hey did you take a picture! Rest assured all, you're in good hands even when mail is delivered and I'm not around.
The more I looked at this picture the more I got to thinking. Not only is my neighbor awesome, not only are you all awesome to wait til I return to say, "hey...you goodies arrived".............but this represents the true power of a Pyramid...........a Giving Pyramid. Big packages, smaller packages all supporting each other.............all for the good of someone else. Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. We support those in need one package, one item, one stitch at a time.............TOGETHER............TOGETHER, WE ARE A FORCE, TOGETHER WE CAN AND DO ACCOMPLISH GREAT THINGS.............TOGETHER WE MAKE AN IMPORTANT DIFFERENCE
2011 Donations:
Scarves 412
Hats 903
Mittens 247
Socks 318
Squares 567
Rain Ponchos 208
Cotton Washcloths 338
Sweaters/Poncho's 10
Slippers 100
Afghans 44 (2 sent to our friends at Pine Street)
Misc Items I've not counted misc items like all the personal care items, the neck warmers, head bands, shawl, hot packs, or yarn etc.
Yesterday I posted information about all the women we've been able to help, while the previous day focused on the men. Today, I want to review with you the children we help through your thoughtful donations. The first group's we added children's items to were the 2 free clinics that care for mothers and their children (no babies), then we added children who wait in line for a hot meal through Holy Family, we've donated directly to the following schools (who work with many homeless children in need: Stiles Elementary, Darby Dale Elementary, West Broad Street Elementary, and Highland Elementary School. We've donated children items to both The Homeless Families Foundation and The YWCA where children and their families live in temporary housing as they try to get back on their feet. And we've extended beyond our borders here in Franklin County and donated children items to Vinton County (a very poor county in Ohio) through St. Vincent DePaul.
Please keep up the good work folks, we've helped many and need to help many more. The cold, wet and dangerous months are upon us. People need our help even more during these times.
All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!