There really is nothing one can say or do, to erase the nightmare or bring back those lost. Perhaps though, there is something we can do to express our concern and sadness and support for these families. Our good friend, Marie Anne has started a Facebook group, titled Hands, Hearts and Hugs.
Her plan is to make comfort afghans for each of those families that suffered the loss of a loved one from donated squares. She's asking for help:
- People to knit or crochet squares
- People to help assemble the afghans
- People to help with the cost of postage
- People to help with spreading the word
AND since I currently am not accepting squares (as I have plenty on hand), anyone wishing to help by making squares....please check out the Facebook page for details and send your squares to Annemarie.
We will continue to collect squares and assemble afghans here on Bridge and Beyond for those families leaving shelter living and moving into their homes as Project Welcome Home is on going. I will put out a call again, down the road for squares as my quantities here diminish after assembling more afghans.
All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!