Mission Statement

Operations for Bridge and Beyond will cease on Dec 31, 2021, last mailing date should be Dec 24th


Goal: 30
Start: #24
Current: 26

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Flowers to Say Thank You, and Slippers Make Warm Feet

Sharing some flowers with you all for all your hard work with knitting, crocheting, looming and donating throughout the 13 years Bridge and Beyond has been in existence.  This pink Lilly was my favorite.  It always had a wonderful aroma.  But, the squirrels and or chipmunks apparently really like it too, and kept digging it up.  I replanted it too many times to count and each subsequent year the flower got lighter in color and lost it's aroma.  I finally gave up and stopped replanting it, so this picture is from about 10 years ago.
These day lillies were starts from my parents yard that I enjoyed for a good many years and then they got so tall and hung over you couldn't walk on the walk, so I took them out and replanted the area.
This is one of the replants, but it didn't make it to year two.

But these Asters did, along with lots of Phlox.

As the weather is turning cold, leaves are falling; there really are no more flowers in the yards to enjoy, so hopefully these pictures made you smile.

2010 was the first year we started collecting and donating slippers.
2010   34
2011   128
2012   153
2013   150
2014   121
2015   105
2016   91
2017   53
2018   13
2019   27
2020   4
2021   52....as of Nov 11th
Total 931 pairs of warm, dry feet...........wonderful work folks, truly.

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Beautiful flowers! I love the pink lily. 2012 was a good year for the slippers.

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Where are You and Your Yarn From?

I'm trying to identify where everyone is from, partially for fun. Take a look at the map. Also, believe it will aid me in cases where we have several people with the same name. Please look at the lists of bloggers and non bloggers and see if I have the state you hail from. If not, please leave a comment and let me know.

Additionally, we've had help from Scotland, England, Germany Puerto Rico, Canada, and France! They don't appear on the map, but their help is still greatly appreciated.

Where The People Who Donate Come From, is your state represented?