Mission Statement

Operations for Bridge and Beyond will cease on Dec 31, 2021, last mailing date should be Dec 24th


Goal: 30
Start: #24
Current: 26

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Thank You Google Page Rank

white Lilly**Here's a beautiful flower to help me say THANK YOU**

Thank You all. While numbers might not mean alot to some folks, in some situations...I want to express my thanks for helping our numbers to each and everyone of you who visit the blog, who take time to read the blog post, and most certainly those who leave comments. This is very helpful, may seem un-important...but. I'm happy to report that sometime in last week or so, we've jumped from a Google Page Rank of 2 to a 3!!! That's pretty exciting to me and it's important. The higher we rank, the more easily we are found from people looking for a place to donate knitted or crocheted items too. The higher we rank, the more people who find us when looking for charity's in need...the higher we rank, the more notice we get. The more notice we get, the more people we attract, the more help we attract, the more people we can help. Sooooooooo please keep your visit coming, spend time on the page, look around that also helps. Please leave comments. I know many people do visit, they tell me so in their emails, but their timid about leaving comments. Please don't be. Leaving comments is easy, and it helps. Plus, everyone who takes time to donate hand knitted or hand crocheted items for homeless and charities in need love the encouragement your comments bring to them.

You do not need to be a blogger to leave comments. Please don't leave comments as anonymous...we don't know who you are then. Type your comment, click the drop down box and select name and url, type your name and leave url empty if you don't have a blog...though you could link to your Facebook, or Ravelry Profile page, if you like and don't have a blog. Then click ok or publish and you're good to go.

Thank you for helping us reach this milestone, please help keep us there but continuing to support each other with visits and comments. Better yet...let's strive to reach a 4. Is that possible?

I also added Alexa ranking to this blog which when this post was scheduled was 6,123,422. That's high, and that number will go down with increased blog visitors. The Google Rank and The Alexa rank are both in the side bar on the right, just scroll down a bit if you'd like to see them. How can you help improve the Alexa rank? Visit, read, comment, AND LINK to this blog. If you blog, please write a blog post about this blog, and link back to us. If you tweet, please tweet about the blog with a link, likewise on Facebook.

Let's see if we can grow the page/blog. Could you send a mass email out to those in your address book with a link to this blog and ask them to visit, to look around. Would love them to leave a comment or 12. Remember, they may be interested in the fact that you donate to this cause, even if they themselves aren't knitters or crocheters.

Are you a follower of this blog? If you are, thank you! If you're not, please consider clicking the follow/join. The words follow and join seem to change back and forth, but are really the same thing. As of the writing of this blog we have 160 followers...would love to see that number grow.

Goals...Grow the page, with higher follower numbers
Higher Google Page rank number
Higher Alexa Rank (means lowering that number)

This truly help us, help more people in need. Men, women, and children need our help. Thank you

2011 Donations:

Scarves 227
Mittens (gloves) 117
Socks 90
Slippers 62
Ghans 29 (2 went to Pine Street Earlier)

Squares 287
Sweaters 5
Ponchos 58
Cotton Washcloths 270

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Fun and Unique Cotton Knit Washcloths for Homeless

Washcloths, wonderful soft, colorful, knitted and crocheted cotton washcloths made by our newest pair of helping hands Sue V.K. in Wisconsin, and donated to help Ohio's homeless and others in need. WOW. The one in the middle is super fun. Click to enlarge this, and all photo's so you can see details. I think this might involve a skipped stitch? Looks like dashes running across the cloth...very cool. I've not seen this pattern before.
Color, color, color....even after going shopping specifically for cool cotton colors, here's some I've not yet seen. The larger cloths are crocheted and such nice sizing for the men. Ripples, stripes, variegated and more.
This orange one also looks very different and is I think made with slip stitches somehow from previous rows? Knitted. We're happy to have you join us Sue and appreciate your helping hands.
Sue donated 30 washcloths, squares for our current months focus, and a nice heavy hat.

2011 Donations:

Scarves 227
Mittens (gloves) 117
Socks 90
Slippers 62
Ghans 29 (2 went to Pine Street Earlier)

Squares 285+2=287
Sweaters 5
Ponchos 58
Cotton Washcloths 240+3=270

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Cloths, Squares and Socks Oh My

donations for the homelessWoot Woot, look at this nice donation from Suzz right here in my hometown, 5 squares, 10 pair of socks, and 7 cotton washcloths. I love people who care for people. People who give of themselves ROCK!

Thank you Suzz, appreciate your thoughtful donation. Glad to see some more cloths for the men folks too.

2011 Donations:

Scarves 227
Mittens (gloves) 117
Socks 80+10=90
Slippers 62
Ghans 29 (2 went to Pine Street Earlier)

Squares 280+5=285
Sweaters 5
Ponchos 58
Cotton Washcloths 233+7=240

Stay turned for information regarding a family shelter we'll be adding to our mission. Had hoped to have more details for you by now, but times been a bit tight. Just know, with all your donations we're reaching out to more in need. YOU...yes YOU make a difference. An important difference.

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!

Monday, July 18, 2011

You don't have to have Yarn to Donate and Help

personal care items for homelessThis is a wonderful donation, a non yarn donation proving once again everyone can help! You do not need to knit, you do not need to crochet, you do not need to be able to loom to donate, to make a difference in the life of someone less fortunate. While the primary mission of this blog, Bridge and Beyond is hand made donations (hats, scarves, mittens, slippers etc.), personal care items are always needed.

Thank you RoseMarie for this thoughtful donation, it's greatly needed and appreciated. RoseMarie does in fact donate with her skilled hands. These soaps (60 bars), and shampoo's (8), will be heading to Faith Mission with additional cotton washcloths I received since my delivery.

2011 Donations:

Scarves 227
Mittens (gloves) 117
Socks 80
Slippers 62
Ghans 29 (2 went to Pine Street Earlier)

Squares 280
Sweaters 5
Ponchos 58
Cotton Washcloths 233

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Donating Personal Care Items

cotton washclothsThank you Liz (minnisoda in the ville), for this wonderful donation of 18 knitted and crocheted cotton washcloths and 16 soaps. She got her hubby involved by asking him to collect in his business travels...see how they add up. Awesome colorful cotton cloths, some knitted corner to corner, others side to side. Likewise with those crocheted. Lots of fun and interesting colors. Beautifully made, and so much appreciated Liz. Many thanks.

With summer here and people out and about traveling both for business and or family vacations, please do save your soaps shampoo's etc from the hotels and send them along with your next donation. They often don't get used in your travels because they're not your brand, but do pack them and bring them home with you. They are perfect for adding to our personal care packages for the homeless and those in need. Can you imagine spending the night in a shelter and wanting a shower but not having soap to take one? We can help with this very simple item and make people feel better.

2011 Donations:

Scarves 227
Mittens (gloves) 117
Socks 80
Slippers 62
Ghans 29 (2 went to Pine Street Earlier)

Squares 280
Sweaters 5
Ponchos 58
Cotton Washcloths 215+18=233

Just a couple of weeks left for Give a Square and we'll move onto our August focus of Mens Hats, knitted and crocheted, or loomed hats for Men.

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Crocheted Cotton Cloth

cotton crocheted washclothA crocheted cotton cloth from our good friend, and long time supporter, Sandie in Louisiana (also the winner of our JoAnne gift card for the comment contest). Cotton washcloths are such an awesome thing, for several reasons. They are a necessary item, everyone needs a washcloth...plus they're handmade which shows someone you didn't know cared enough to take time to make something special...special, JUST FOR YOU, plus hand made cotton wash cloths are so very soft and feel so nice on our skin and that gives wonderful comfort to all.

We supply personal items too and our last donation to Faith Mission was fabulous folks. Hand made cotton wash cloths, both knitted and crocheted, soap, toothpaste and toothbrushes, shampoo and rinse, lotion and razors. I was so pleased with our donations both for our men living under the bridges and for the folks at Faith Mission (both sides men and women). Thank you to all who participated. I say this often, but it bears repeating again. Every item is appreciated. Maybe you think I only have one of this or that....put with others it grows and grows and gives us the ability to help many in need. Please don't be timid and believe me when I say YOU DO MAKE a difference. One item, one stitch at a time.

July's focus is squares 7-10 inches, more details can be found in the side bar and or tab on the top of the blog.

2011 Donations:

Scarves 227
Mittens (gloves) 117
Socks 80
Slippers 62
Ghans 29 (2 went to Pine Street Earlier)

Squares 280
Sweaters 5
Ponchos 58
Cotton Washcloths 214+1=215

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!

Where are You and Your Yarn From?

I'm trying to identify where everyone is from, partially for fun. Take a look at the map. Also, believe it will aid me in cases where we have several people with the same name. Please look at the lists of bloggers and non bloggers and see if I have the state you hail from. If not, please leave a comment and let me know.

Additionally, we've had help from Scotland, England, Germany Puerto Rico, Canada, and France! They don't appear on the map, but their help is still greatly appreciated.

Where The People Who Donate Come From, is your state represented?