
Thursday, May 14, 2015

Stitch Away Stress

Spotted this some time back on Facebook and thought it worth saving and sharing with you all.  I personally agree with this statement, stitch away the stress.  I know when my Mother was critical ill I sat many hours in ICU at her bedside stitching.   Through the years I've read many blogs where others have done a similar thing, some talk about being able to keep their hands busy, others talk about keeping the mind focused on something else, others discussed how it was the one "normal" thing they were able to do.  I know we all face ups and downs, does yarn help you?

I hope things are well with you all, and you're not in need of stress releasing stitching, that you're all just stitching for the pure enjoyment of it, but if you are stressed...I hope you find some comfort in your yarn and needles and hook.

Hats: 218
Scarves 80
Mittens/Gloves/Wrist Warmers: 45
Slippers: 63
Rain Poncho's:  53
Cotton Washcloths: 126
Afghans: 11
Socks: 131
Cowls/Hoody Combo's/ 17
Shawls 1
Misc: items like personal care and things don't fit into above categories aren't counted


All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. As I have stated before I spent the time during and even after my husband was ill and passed sitting next to his bed crocheting. I think it not only kept me sane but gave him peace seeing me sitting there doing something so calming in a time of such stress for us both. I have another friend that I have since met in my Crochet club that tells the story of her stressful loss and how she crocheted her way back to sanity.It is truly a way that many people use to relieve stress and continue back to their happy place. Also a way to crochet or knit and help others while helping yourself.
    Rainy day in Minnesota, planting flower pots for Memorial Day weekend. Have a happy day and enjoy the spring.
    GOD BLESS THE HOMELESS. marj in minnesota

    1. I so agree Marj. Mom would look over and smile. I think it also gave her relief to know she didn't have to try and talk. On a respirator before she died, that was difficult and frustrating for her. And while I was stitching, we were just spending time together. Very cool here again today. I need to plant some pots, but waiting to see if it warms up enough to do so.

  2. I have a total hearing loss in one ear so when I go to the doctor or someplace where I need to hear my name called I have to do something where I can still pay attention to what's going on around me. Crochet fits that bill. There are many mindless projects that can be worked quickly and without too much yarn having to be brought along. Sometimes it is the start of a conversation as people are curious about what you're doing. :-) I don't always bring yarn, but often I do. Oh, and I don't bring my best/fave hooks in case they get left behind!

    1. Hadn't thought about favorite hooks, but did have my cable hook left behind on a plane, that still needs to be replaced. lol

  3. I would think it could be relaxing, it does help one to put their mind on something else other than what may be going on around them.


  4. Stopping in again on my A to Z Road Trip. I don't do any type of needle work. I simply get lost in reading when times are stressful!

    1. Glad the reading works for you Paula, look forward to seeing you again.

  5. Ahh knitting! It has and continues to be my go to stress buster. I taught my mom to crochet and knit. During the last few months of her life, she had to have her needles and yarn next to her. They were a comfort to her. She managed a few stitches here and there right up until the last days.

  6. Yarn and me don't do well:) I will create cards which gets my mind off the sadness of what may go on in my life. I also will read and watch great old movies which always made me fell better.

  7. knit every day, stress or no stress. I took my knitting to the hospital and then to hospice.

  8. I have continually stitched for mental therapy. I especially remember when my brother was dying I kept my hands going with crochet so I wouldn't focus on what was at hand. It helped me endure the time I spent with him in the end. Since then my therapist said this is a good source of mental therapy.

  9. I probably should try to do something with my hands when I'm really stressed or have great trials I'm walking through...something other than eating, I mean. lolz Stitching would probably be more productive. Sometimes I pull out my sketch pad and doodle.


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