
Friday, May 15, 2015

Learning Logs, The 2nd Square

It's been awhile since I've shown you Learning Logs, almost done with the 2nd large square.  It's coming along better than the first square...
though it's still quite a labor for me.  I'm having fun with the whole mixing the colors, and by not totalling following the pattern (which only had logs on 2 of the four sides of the center square), and by placing the logs differently to have smooth logs to offset logs who's nature it is to curl etc.  It will be a color explosion when and if it ever gets done.

I also found a bit of a trick to keep from getting myself tangled up in my own yarn when knitting with multiple strands (sometimes you still have 3 attached).  Believe this is something they should have suggested in the lesson.  Take a peak HERE! (I blogged about it on my other blog, and it's not expensive)

Hats: 218
Scarves 80
Mittens/Gloves/Wrist Warmers: 45
Slippers: 63
Rain Poncho's:  53
Cotton Washcloths: 126
Afghans: 11
Socks: 131
Cowls/Hoody Combo's/ 17
Shawls 1
Misc: items like personal care and things don't fit into above categories aren't counted


All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. LEARNING LOGS is progressing nicely. Guess I had forgotten about it as I think you showed it before your A-Z challenge. Nice job. Still seems like a lot of work and more like labor then a fun project. I am sure there is something to be gained from doing things that expand your talents. Good to learn new things. Have fun.
    Got rained out on my planting of pots yesterday. Long light rain here all day. The best kind. Green looks neon out there this morning .Very nice.Hope our homeless friends found a dry spot to enjoy the day.GOD BLESS THE HOMELESS marj in minnesota

    1. Right you are Marj, trying to stretch my brain and skill and it's getting more fun as time goes on, just will be a slow project, as I'm doing small bits of it in between other projects. I didn't manage to get my pots planted yesterday as planned, you're ahead of me on that. A good light rain afterwards is perfect and I know what you mean about green everything gets. Enjoy. I too hope our homeless friends find shelter from the rains we get this time of year.

  2. Seems very intricate, but ultimately pretty! Regarding Friday letters, you just write little snippets of things on your mind or happened during your week, in almost a letter form; you can get the Friday letter logo from Paula's blog if you want to include it on your post and then let her know if you do one so she can come visit you.

    Its kind of fun when you don't have a lot to say but still want to do a blog post. There's another meme called Friday Fragments which is similar, but not in letter form. Let me know if you have any other quests.


    1. Awesome Betty, thanks for the follow up, much appreciated.

  3. oops, that should have been questions :)


    1. Thanks for compliment on learning logs, had to laugh when I read your oophs, cause I read it the way you intended it to be and had to go look a 2nd time to see quests vs questions, lol

  4. Glad to see Learning Logs is still being worked on. It does look like a lot of work to me. Thanks for posting more pictures of it.

    1. It's been quite a learning project for me. I had never used color this way, never knew how to knit with multiple yarns, have learned some new stitches and techniques. It just takes lots of concentration on my part, but it's getting easier.

  5. That's some really nice stitching! The most I have done with yarn is finger-weaving, which I really enjoyed. I like how you use your blog to help those in need. I thought I would stop by, since you have commented on my blog twice. Sorry, for not getting back to you the first time, I was still getting used to the blogging community at that point. Thanks for visiting my blog :)

    Elizabeth @ Liz's Random Ponderings

    1. Thank you for visiting, truly appreciate it. Thank you for the compliment, many of us come together here on Bridge and Beyond. Some donate, some visit and support us by being good cheerleaders, and some do both. Hope to see you again.

  6. This looks so difficult but it seems to be coming along nicely. Quite the neat project

    1. It is the most difficult project I've ever done, but I'm enjoying learning. That's suppose to be a good thing, right? lol I do it in small chunks because I really have to concentrate.


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