
Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Donations from Sunny Florida Help Ohio's Homeless, Thank You!

Thank you Sandra R for this awesome and very generous donation of knitted and crocheted goodies!   As you can our good friend and long time supporter, Sandra R from Florida has been very busy.  I've said before I don't think the woman sleeps, and or that her needles and hooks must be smoking for the speed and volume of her donations.  I'm tired just looking at them.  She's knitted the always popular corner to corner cotton washcloth, often referred to as Grandma's favorite.

She'd knitted a variety of sizes and styles and colors of hats.  AND thank you for taking the time to tag all your hats with size, it really helps the volunteers get items to those in need faster. know how excited I get when we get mittens.  Again, she's provided a good variety of sizes and colors and taken time to tag them all with size!!  YIPPEE!!  There are more hats in this 2nd picture and some crocheted scarves as well.

Awesome and generous, many thanks Sandra for all you do.  Please know how much it is appreciated by many.

Keep up the good work.

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Happy Dance for mittens! What a wonderful donation Sandra R! You are helping to keep a lot of people warm this winter.

    1. Joining you in the Happy Dance Sue, lol. We can twirl each other. Thanks for your visit, always appreciated.


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