
Friday, September 25, 2020

Socks, Cotton Wash Cloths and More for our Homeless Friends

Thank you Sue S, for this awesome donation to help Ohio's homeless.  Sue has knitted the always popular corner to corner cotton washcloth, Grandma's favorite.  As you probably know, these popular cotton cloths have several purposes.  When a person lives in the elements and get's a night in a shelter and get's a hot shower, these are far softer on their skin.  Living out in the elements can be very hard on your skin.  When someone/family leaves shelter living for a permanent housing situation, they're given a welcome home pack and these cotton cloths often make their way into those packs.  They can be used in the shower and or in the kitchen.

Sue has included a nice variety of personal care items.  One thing imparticular I wanted to point out (please click to enlarge the picture, so you can what I'm referring to), those 2 blue packs...they're small first aid packs with Band-Aids wipes.  What a great idea.  

Sue has included some super warm heavy duty socks that will truly be needed as the weather continues to cool off.  She's also knitted a scarf.

Many thanks Sue S for your long time support of Bridge and Beyond and Ohio's homeless.  Please keep up the good work, and know you continue to make a difference.

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. The little blue packs were from the small box that BlueCross/BlueShield sent this summer. I thought of this group as soon as I saw them.

    1. Glad you did. They must have sent those out to all their customers?

  2. I know some people in my apartment building got the little boxes from them.


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