
Monday, September 21, 2020

Crocheting Warmth and Love for Ohio's Homeless

Thank you Tara B for this cheery bright colored Afghan.  It's certainly appropriate to welcome in the autumn season.  It's hard to believe summer has past, but as I type my fingers are cold and so I am reminded that it is September and the last 3 days it's only been in the forty's in the morning.  So warmth is indeed needed for our homeless friends.  Tara's afghan is crocheted and sized large enough for a family to enjoy it.  

She's also been busy crocheting hats and scarves.   As you can see, there are several matching sets.  Please click to see details and notice the bagged personal care kits.  She's included 2 cotton washcloths, toothpaste and wipes in each baggy.  What a nice way to gift wrap it.  She's tied the two cloths together also, which is such a nice touch.

Some time back Tara had the brilliant idea to set up a sock order on Amazon.  I thought this was such a smart idea.  She doesn't have to take time to go shopping or repackage them to send here.  She set it up on Amazon and they mail directly to me.  The idea of the year, IMHO.

Many thanks Tara and please keep up the good work.  You truly are making a difference in the lives of those less fortunate than us.

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Great donation . It will keep many people in need warm.

    1. Right you are Sandra R, and thanks for popping in, much appreciated.

  2. Nice assortment of donated items. Good job, Tara!

    1. Thanks Sandie for your visit, and I so agree with your comment.

  3. Very pretty afghan Tara! Great donations.


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