
Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Knitting and Crocheting in Sunny Florida Helps Ohio's Homeless

 Thank you Sandra R from Florida for this awesome and very generous donation of crocheted and knitted goodies.  This afghan.......WOW, it's a beauty.  Crocheted.  This is probably the most traditional crocheted afghan that exists, the granny squares all different colors.  It's probably how people used up everything they had...all their left overs from socks, hats, scarves, sweaters etc.  
 This is also a granny square crocheted afghan, but a newer type pattern.  I love this and know every young girl/teen and most women LOVE purple and lavender.  Sooooooooo pretty.
 Sandra isn't sleeping.  Seriously...she must be up all hours of the night to get this much done.  Isn't this an interesting technique.  Yes, this is another example of granny squares, but I don't know what the technique is that incorporates color work like this.  Is it intarsia? 
 Don't go away, there's more!  This is the same style afghan as above, but with 3 looks like Buckeye Colors to me.  Scarlet and gray with the white.  These afghans have a lot of texture.  Please click to enlarge the photo, so you can see the details.
 AND.........this one is knitted in the very traditional log cabin style, which I always Love......who doesn't.  These afghans vary a bit in size, color, but all beautifully made.  And all of these will be loved by those that receive them.  Sandra, you truly amaze me.
She also included knitted hats, knitted cotton wash cloths, and mittens......and scarves in her donation.  Whew.......I'm tired just looking at it all.  The hats and mittens are all nicely tagged with size.  

Thank you, Thank you Sandra for your skillful hands and big heart.  Please know how much you are appreciated.

As always, keep up the good work!  You Rock!!!!!!!!!

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Wow What an awesome donation. I'm curious about the swirly squares too. I'm not familiar with that pattern. When I look at the first granny square one all I see is hundreds of tails to sew in. She must be the most patient of all crocheters! Lovely job all around!

  2. Love the purple tone afghan! Great donation Sandra R!


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