
Monday, January 8, 2018

Knitted Hats and Scarves for the Homeless

Thank you Karen S for this wonderful donation of warm hats with a scarf that matches 2 of the hats.  Thank you also for tagging your hats with size, that is such a benefit--both to me and to all the volunteers at the various shelters.  It aids the item getting on the right shelf; which in turns gets necessary items into the hands of those in need quicker.

Folks you may have noticed the new progress bars in the right hand sidebar.  I'm hoping this will help us see where we are in relation to where we would like to meet our goal of donated items for the homeless that Bridge and Beyond serves.  However, I have discovered that I need to add the numbers to the progress bars when I'm typing the blog posts.  99% of the time, the posts are written and scheduled to post later.  I often type several posts in one sitting and have them scheduled to post even if I'm not sitting here on the computer.  So, the downside of this new system is that what you see in the progress bars reflects whenever I last wrote blog posts, and will typically be ahead of the posts you're reading.  Example.  Yesterday's post, this one and the next 2 are being the numbers for those 4 blog posts are reflected in the numbers in the progress bars.  I'm currently going to try and figure the percentages out once a week, to keep from prefiguring the percentage with each blog post I write.  I had thought, the percentages would be automatically updated, but apparently the html code doesn't do that.

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Very nice scarf and hats Karen S. They all look so soft and warm!

  2. Beautiful scarf and hats. Sorry the percent bars are not working as you'd hoped they would.


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