
Sunday, January 7, 2018

Knitted Slippers, Has, and Mittens for the Homeless

Knitted warmth!  Look at the variety here folks.  Slippers in several different sizes and colors to help warm cold feet..........hats for the kiddo's is lots of cute styles, a couple of cowls..........and drum roll for guessed it........MITTENS!  And who knitted and donated all these goodies?  Sue F!  Many thanks Sue for remember us here on Bridge and Beyond.  Extra thanks for tagging slippers and hats and mittens with size. 

I have the trunk of my car all loaded up, as I type this blog post so I can make deliveries on Monday to Homeless Families Foundations.

Sadly the very top of picture is cut off a bit, as there are several hats you can just barely see there in the picture.  Wished I had noticed that before tossing those 5 bags of donations in my car, I could have re-taken the picture; but no clue which bag they are in, or if they are all in the same bag.  Luckily, my note tells me how many of everything so I plug in the number to our progress bars on the right.

Folks these progress bars are new, and not so far the easiest thing to use.  If any of you bloggers know a different style, I would love to know.  Likewise, if anyone knows how to change the default font on the blog.  Some of the functionality seems to be gone that used to be available.  I keep changing the font with each blog post I write, as I don't like the blog default one.......very small and not clean--straight forward looking at this one.  Sing out if you have some thoughts on these two blogging issues.  THanks!!

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. These are great! Very colorful and cheery

    1. Right you Cynthia. I wanted to put those slippers on they looked so comfy. Thanks for your visits and sweet supportive comments, they are appreciated.

  2. Great donation Sue F! You have been very busy and are helping to keep more people warm this winter.

  3. What a nice variety of items! Good job, Sue!


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