
Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Crochet Scarves Help Warm Homeless in Need

Thank you Sandie P for these two interesting scarves.  I love the fun colors.  This is a type of yarn that changes folks vs changing yarn and tucking edges.  Oh how I love that idea.  Would knitting or crocheting with this yarn be fun in making an afghan?  Well...really in anything, but I think especially in an afghan where you really don't know when it's changing on you.  Sandie says this yarn is Yarn Bee Sugar Wheel.  I've not seen it at the stores, but am going to make a point to look for I need more yarn, lol.  Sandie says it comes in 7 oz skeins and has lots of different color combinations to pick from.

Sandie has been a long time supporter of Bridge and Beyond, perhaps the very first one.  If not the first pretty close to that from my memory.  Thank you Sandie for your longevity.  Folks you can pop over to Sandie's blog, it's listed in my blog list on the right hand sidebar.  She's posted several variations of this fun yarn with recent projects.  Check it out.

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Nice scarves Sandie P! More warm necks! I got some of that yarn to use and haven't made anything with it. The scarves look nice using those colors.

  2. Happy to help! The Yarn Bee yarn is from Hobby Lobby - their own yarn if I'm not mistaken. The purple is called Plum Crazy. The brown is Gogo Cocoa. I think it would work well for an afghan as Sandy says.

  3. I love the self changing yarn! These are really nice! Very warm


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