
Friday, March 28, 2014

Knitted or Crocheted Mittens Needed

 Knitted Mittens
Crocheted Mittens

Mittens are always requested and probably the item we just never have enough of.

Reviewing again (yesterday we reviewed slippers, if you missed the post, please scroll back), to see how we're doing based on other years with our mitten donations.  Using the same date March 26th, in 2012 we had donated 120 pairs of mittens, on the same date in 2013 we had only donated 20 pairs, and this year we've managed to donate 16 pairs.

Mittens aren't the easiest to make, I know!  If you're one who enjoys mittens, we'ld love to keep you busy.  If you're one who'd like to try something new...........give a go please with making mittens.  Mittens are needed by school children, teens, and adults.

Here's the Mitten tab with lots of needed information and some patterns you might like to give a whirl. CLICK HERE

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. YOU GOT ME THERE SANDY. No can do. Have tried on several occasions but cant manage it. Am still struggling with the slippers from yesterday. :+) Am sure there are several of our talented ladies who can do mittens Hope they will gear up and go for it. They are definitely a project that needs an experienced hand.
    Prayers for the homeless. Hope they are managing these last few days of March . It is coming to an end ladies, Just not fast enough I am afraid.

  2. I am busy with mittens as I type this! I have about six pair done and I am just trying to fill up the box so no space goes to waste when I ship it. I love to make mittens! And hats! So when I am tired of making mittens I just work on a few hats! Keeps me busy all the time. Right now I am trying a new pattern. It seems to be coming out a bit bigger than I expected even with going down a needle size. What was supposed to fit a woman's medium might end up being some sort of mans size. We shall see!?!?! In any case mittens are not hard. I recommend trying a two needle pattern first. GOOD LUCK!

  3. Sorry to know that mitten total is down also. I sure hope we can get those totals up very soon. Are we down in the other totals also? Hope not. I hope winter is at end soon and that the totals of slippers and mittens will go up very soon.


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