
Thursday, March 27, 2014

Knitted and Crocheted Slippers Needed

These slippers were donated, pictured and counted previously... but thought we should have a picture to go with this post; so am re-posting it.

Sometimes it's nice to know how we stand numbers wise to what we've donating in the past.  The last post with numbers here was March 26th, and so using that date thought I'd share this with you.
In 2012 by March 26th we had donated 48 pairs of slippers, in 2013 on the same date we had donated 107 pairs of slippers, and this year on that date we've donated 39 pairs of slippers.  So, if you've mind to make slippers?

Things to remember with slippers is durable, thick (using two strands together works well), dark colors, closed tight stitches as above.  If you're crocheting single crochet works well.

Here's the link for the slipper tab, take a look at some patterns we've posted.  Slippers are needed for children, teens, women and men.  Slippers are donated to both folks in the shelters and the men living under the bridges.  Gives them a chance to perhaps wash their socks and have something dry and warm to put on.

Please review the slippers tab for additional information.

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. WOW! I GUESS WE NEED SLIPPERS! I personally dont make them, but I did help the Girl Scouts send about 10 pair to B & B a couple of years ago. Will try to make a couple pair now. Wish me luck! I am not very talented but will give it a shot. Cant have our guys running around with wet cold feet! Raining out here in Minnesota. Good way to spend a rainy day! PRAYERS FOR THE HOMELESS.

  2. WOW!! I sure am sorry to see the slipper total so far down. What a huge difference from last year. I have never tried to make slippers. Guess I will have to give a pair of them a try. I sure don't want the homeless to have cold feet.


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