
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Posting Pictures Using an Ipad is Possible

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Woot Woot, it worked I've successfully posted  a picture to my blog from my ipad.  Thanks to a helpful person on facebook, Melissa.  She indicated I needed to store the photo elsewhere and then paste the url here.  So this picture goes with my previous post.  And since taking this photo and trying for several days to do this, the afghan is done, so when I have a minute I'll try to retake and repost.

This is a test...see me jumping up and down, like I always do when I learn something new.

Thank you M, as we affectionately called her back during the days of The Hive.

 All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Very pretty afghan, and congrats for learning how to post pictures from an Ipad. I can't even post pictures on my computer!

  2. Oh dear Sandy,sounds like too much work to me. Dont know a thing about ipads:+)
    Have been shoveling snow here. 6 inches in 6 hours. Not a fun winter.
    Afghan is pretty, will love to see it when it is done. It looks like spring. That has to be a good thing.

  3. Good job! I used to do that when posting pics on forums. Few extra steps but it worked fine here! I've not done a post completely from the ipad. Will have to give that a try. It would be useful when we're out of town.

  4. Glad you got to learn something new! I don't know how to put pictures out on the computer either. The afghan is looking good.


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