
Monday, January 27, 2014

Ipad Failing Pictures, and Crocheting for Homeless

Sorry I have no pictures for you folks.  Using my ipad, and although I do have pictures, I'm not able to post them here for you.  I didn''t know that.  When you try to add pictures, as you would on your computer you do not get the browse option in order to select pictures you have right here on your ipad.  That seems silly to me.  I've got just 3 seams left on the daisy ghan ad so wanted to share the progress with you.  I am very much a newbie with my ipad, so if an of you can tell me how to post said pictures...please sing out.  I tried a cut and paste, but that  didn't work either.  Sommeone on facebook suggested I load it to an on line storage area and then use the url of the picture to post.  I tried that with pisca albums...a free on line storage for photo's area, but had no luck either.

Argh....the learning curve is frustrating me a bit.  Meanwhile, I hope to finish the ghan very soon, hope I have enough yarn with me for the edging...if not, that will wait.  Next up in a red scarf for the kiddo's.  As most of you know we're focusing on the needs of kids for the months of January and Febuary.  Please look at the top of the log, there's a tab for hats, scarves, mittens, and slippers.  Each of those tabs takes you to information about size, color, fiber etc.  I attempted to post links here, but apparently I'm linked challenged on m ipad.

The temps around the country have been horrid lately, even in some traditionally warmer areas.  Please stay safe, and warm wherever you are, and remember......yarn, don't leave home without it!

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Sorry Sandy cant help you even a little bit on that one. Good Luck!
    Our temps are so bad that again our kids are out of school My granddaughter is trying to take finals and cant even get to school to do it. -18 actual temps this morning and -40 with the wind chill. Just living here by the heat register with a hooded sweatshirt on. Tomorrow to be worse. Really miserable winter. One of the worst I can remember.Prayers for the homeless EVERYWHERE

  2. Sorry you are having problems with the Ipad. I don't have one, so can't help you out with that. I can only help with yarn items. It is a warm 6 today, snowy and very windy. Wind chill is below 0 in MI, just south of Lansing. I sure wish I could knit faster,

  3. Sandy Sorry to say that I am totally computer illiterate! But I can really imagine how lovely you daisy Afghan is looking! I am sure that whoever receives it will be so happy.......and warm! Here in NJ we are having a heat wave. It is 41 degrees out as I type this! However it is ti be short lived. Tomorrow is to be a high of 18 and very windy! You are right Marj......the worst winter in YEARS! Trying to stay warm has become a full time job for many! Keep your hooks and needles flying Ladies!

  4. Sandy, I know one can email photos to whoever, so you could email them to yourself and load them from your desktop. I will have to play with it and see. I haven't done much with photos and the ipad for just that reason. It's a bit limiting and I'm not intuitive. :-)


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