
Friday, October 14, 2011

Donating Pink Poodle for Project Welcome Home

knitted afghanA traditional pattern, knitting corner to corner (like so many of us do for grandma's favorite washcloth), with a bit of a different twist here. Used 2 different skeins of JoAnn's Sensations Boucle', one the black, gray, and light pink combo AND the 2nd skein was the brighter pink and white combo. Knitted on size 8 this seemed to take forever and I was hoping it would be a bit larger. It appeared like it would be when I started the decrease....but sometimes its hard to measure well when things are still on the needle. Edged with about 5 rows of both single crochet and double crochet to give the ruffle border and you can see how much the colors change.

This will, I hope brighten some young girls eyes and be a nice "Welcome Home", as part of our Project Welcome Home through The Homeless Families Foundation.

2011 Donations:

Scarves 335
Hats 646
Mitts 137
Socks 124
Squares 454
Rain Ponchos 80
Cotton Washcloths 315
Sweaters/Poncho's 7
Slippers 86
Afghans 33+1=34 (2 sent to our friends at Pine Street)
Misc Items I've not counted misc items like all the personal care items, the neck warmers, head bands or yarn.

*Did you read the helpful hints and guidelines about color and size? If not please do, scroll to 10-9-11

**Have you checked our map recently? Is your state represented? Is your state listed with your name either on the bloggers list, the non bloggers list, or the Facebook/Ravelry list? If not, please leave a comment and let me know what state you're from. Do you see a state not represented where you know someone? Can you encourage that someone to join us?**

***A couple of additions to the working calendar have been added, have you reviewed it lately?***

Donations in que from: Suzanne W, Nikki, Carol, Frank, Jenn, Jeanette J, Cheryl, AnneMarie, Sandy

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. LOVE it! I don't know how you do all the coordination AND find time to crochet! I totally agree with you though that a young lady will definitely feel loved be getting such a lovely blanket.

  2. Thanks psmflowerlady, appreciate the kind words and the encouragement. Couple of my co workers wanted the blanket, told them it was too young for them, lol.

  3. Very nice Sandy. I love that pattern and your special touch with the border.

  4. WOW! Sandy, I am SO IMPRESSED! Somehow you always manage miracles! Ghans take so much time to do and you seem to always come up with such beautiful ones and still manage this site, etc, etc,etc! Some young lady will really treasure this one! Thanks so much for all your dedication! You are truly a jewel in the Lord's crown!

  5. Sandy. this is beautiful. I have always loved the black and pink color theme.

    I am so computer challenged. I sent you a note about sending a box next week and asking about making squares but I don't know where it went! Anyway, after reading through your site I see you have plenty of squares and Dec. is square month so I am informed. I hope you get this message!!

  6. Sandy, It's me above, JOY, Sheesh!

  7. Sally, Joy (anonymous), thanks so much for all the wonderful visits and comments; all are appreciated.

    Not sure what happened Joy, I didn't get an email from you. Dec will be squares month; but when people are sending a box of something else and want to include their squares that's fine with me.

  8. Where can I find this pattern for the blanket with the ruffle edge?

  9. Hi Tresa, there really is no set pattern for this blanket. I knitted it using the very basic corner to corner dishcloth pattern...the one everyone calls Grandma's favorite. Then I crocheted the ruffle edge around it using 3 or 4 stitches in each stitch to make it ruffly. You can use this method with either double crochets or single's easy and always works well. Thanks for your visit.


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