
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Steps 2 with Squares

7 inch squaresIf you read yesterday's post, you saw step 1, a rather fun looking pile of squares. Here now is step 2 in my creative process. Normally I separate squares by colors and then after staring come up with a plan/design. This time I decided to go about the process differently. I went through all the squares in the previous post (HERE), and separate by size. I measured and separated and made 2 piles. This picture shows 3 stacks of 7, or 7 ish inch squares. Lots of different colors, some solids, some variegated. A variety also with the style and type of squares in these stacks. Above are some knitted squares, some crocheted side to side sample style squares, and some granny squares made in the round-the traditional granny style method. Next step is to spread these squares out and see what design I want to use.
8 inch squaresThis stack, a bit harder to see, as the picture is a bit blurry are 8 ish inch squares. These too have a variety with regard to being knitted and crocheted, side to side sampler style squares, and traditional granny style squares.

I now have these squares stacked in my office. Due to a extremely heavy work schedule, I've not yet gotten to throw them around to come up with my design...but that is forth coming. Keep checking in for step 3.

Everyone who want to get in on the May Blog Comment Contest needs to post they want in. Post your comment about wanting in in the comments of the post announcing the contest. Remember, the more you post comments, the better chance you have at winning your $40.00 fun filled shopping spree at JoAnn's. Click in the side bar for the details, and or click on the tab across the top of the blog.
Scarves 174
Mittens (gloves) 66
Socks 74
Slippers 37
Ghans 29 (2 went to Pine Street Earlier)

Squares 214
Sweaters 5
Ponchos 43

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. This looks like such a fun process! It also reminds me of another hobby of mine, quiltmaking! I am looking forward to the next step!

  2. Progress being made! You should compile all the photos and do a step-by-step post once it's all finished. It would be fun to see it go from chaotic pile of squares to completed beautiful afghan!

  3. Looks like fun! When are you having another Give a Square month?

  4. Thanks Sally, misselbird and Jen. Generally I do 2 posts about the with the design, and one when it's complete. Perhaps I'll add a few in there.

    I'm currently thinking the next time Give a Square will be opened will be July. Looking at what I have designed to put together, and what I have to design...that feels right. So....go ahead and make some squares if you feel like it.

  5. You are a brave woman, Sandy! It looks like chaos to me.

  6. I love seeing into the design process. Thanks for sharing Sandy. Your products are so beautiful, I fully intend to learn from and emulate your process.

  7. That's a lot more organised than I ever do! I just call them all "scrap blankets" and toss 'em together. :-) I'm impressed!

  8. Ah another "quilting sister!" YEs, the 'ghans remind me of our old style scrap quilts that always had a happy ending -- lots of colors and memoories in the varied cloth. So far so good, Sandy....
    Sandie in FL

  9. You are so organized! It's great to see how you go about putting together the afghans. Looking forward to seeing what it looks like when it's finished.

  10. Harvest hill farms, it starts out like chaos, but I almost always see in my mind what it will or could look like. So, it's sorta fun.

    Thanks James, psmflowerlady and might not think me organized when I have stuff spread all around the living room. lol Hubby rolls his eyes and says stand back, she's creating. lol

    Sandie in Fl (Batlflit)'re on the mark. I have quilted, just not in awhile. You've got me wondering now if I have any pictures of the few I've done. Though I've not made any in the traditional way...hum


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