
Friday, May 6, 2011

Step 3 Designing Calico

Calico designStep 3, a ghan someone suggested we call Calico. A most unusual mix of colors, orange, yellow,purple, blue, tan, beige, tweedy, multiple shade of brown, several shades of blue, tourqoise, and a sorta mauvie? These are 25 of the 8 inch squares from the 2 previous posts. None of these are the traditional crochet in the round granny squares. There are however both knitted and crocheted squares here. The 13 crocheted squares are sampler style.

The beige tweedy squares, the purple squares, and the blue earth square 2nd from the left on the 2nd to last row (top to bottom) are knitted and the others are the crocheted squares.

I have black out to edge and join, but haven't totally given up on the idea of using a blue. Will stare a bit longer and make a decision. This will be another of squares for afghans for Faith Mission.

**Have you read and enter your name on post for the contest?**

Scarves 174
Mittens (gloves) 66
Socks 74
Slippers 37
Ghans 29 (2 went to Pine Street Earlier)

Squares 214
Sweaters 5
Ponchos 43

**Need email ady for a Diana H, from PA if anyone knows her, please sing out. Got a donation, but don't know email, or on line ID, avatar etc. Am not finding clues in my groups etc.**

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated, and all donations keep someone warm. We help, one stitch at a time. YOU truly DO make a difference. THANK YOU!


  1. This is going to be a wonderful ghan! And the name, "calico" is really just perfect for it!!

  2. I think the hardest part would be picking out a color to join! Looking forward to seeing it done.

  3. Thanks Sally, Patty, and Yvonne. I was learning towards black for the edge and joining; but have changed my mind and switched to blue.

  4. sally The beannie hat that you liked is called J.R. Crochet Designs on Google.. Rosemarie

  5. Thanks RoseMarie for adding that info

  6. Love how you make all the colors work together. Sometimes that gets hard to do.

    I knew about the contest but not too sure I want to enter. I already have sooo much yarn. LOL I guess I could spend the card on magazines and notions though. :-P

  7. Thanks Linda, yes sometimes putting colors together become harder. This was one of those times. But, though it's different, I like it.

  8. Love how this is coming together!

  9. A testiment misslebird to what people pulling together can accomplish.

  10. LOVE the name! Sounds so much more fun than just 'ghan'. And it exactly matches the blanket: full of fun color! What beautiful squares!
    May I ask how you will be putting them together? I find the actual joining to not be so much fun. thanks!

  11. Thanks Nancy. I use a couple of different methods depending on the size. When I have a ghan where the squares are all the same size I find it to be fastest to use the join as you go method after edging them. Sometimes I edge with sc, and sometimes I edge with the traditional granny stitch style with 2 doubles, space etc.

    Most of the time though I do not have squares of the same size and so have to work to put them together, very piecemeal. This takes more time and patience. If you look through the ghans made you can see which ones I'm talking about. Generally with these I sew with a darning needle in a color of yarn that matches the edging I used. There again I sometimes use sc, sometimes the traditional granny.

    Some of the variance is because they are both knitted and crocheted squares usually. Little Princess might be the exception here. They were all crocheted squares, and all the same size squares. Click on Give a Square and you can see all the pictures.


PLEASE leave your name and url, NOT a profile link, not a google or google plus. Only name and url will take me directly to your blog to return the favor of a comment.