
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Thank You Sandie in Florida

*****Only 6 posts left before we see who the winner of the contest is, but YOU still have time to enter, CLICK TO READ HOW*****

Sandie in Florida found us through our listing on YIPPEE. We've gotten help from that listing before which makes me feel good.

Sandie loomed 15 hats of varies sizes, and very cool colors. You're gonna have to take my word for how cool they were, cause I had a picture snafu. No clue where my picture went. It was on the camera, but it didn't get transferred correctly to the computer. Meanwhile one I had previously posted, and deleted is somehow still on the card??? Argh.

I was able with the variety of sizes to put some hats in the bags for the kids at the clinic and some for the homeless folks under the bridge. The items have already been passed on, so therefore I'm not able to get another photo.

Many thanks Sandie for your thoughtful donation. We're happy to have you join us and look forward to more of your generous donations.

Edited to add
SAVED, thank you Sandie. I sent an email asking if she had taken a picture and thankfully she did so here's Sandie's picture of her awesome hats.
knitted on the loom hats*****Only 6 posts left before we see who the winner of the contest is, but YOU still have time to enter, CLICK TO READ HOW*****

Scarves 174
Hats 267+15=282
Mittens 34
Socks 59

Hats 368
Mittens 66
Scarves 147
Socks 79 pair*counts from day 1, Dec 2 2008


  1. Sandie, this venture of yours is wonderful! I would suggest that you post on Pink Saturday thru Beverly's How Sweet The Sound blog on to post pinks & present yourself & invite others to join you ... it is a fabulous way to spread the word. IF you don't wish to do this, send me pictures of the pink items that you have accumulated with text & I could do it for you ... but your exposure for your cause first hand would be great to do. Let me know.

    Have a lovely summer day ~
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  2. Thanks for the suggestions Marydon. I think I have every color in the palette except pink ! but perhaps a rose would be acceptable? I will let you know when I finish an acceptable number.
    Proud to be part of the effort...
    Sandie in Florida


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