
Tuesday, August 24, 2010

French Mittens, and Hats

*****Only 5 posts left before we see who the winner of the contest is, but YOU still have time to enter, CLICK TO READ HOW*****

knitted donationsThis donation comes to us all the way from France! Seriously, the country France, the one across the big water!! Thank you Sacha. I met Sacha recently on The Hive and am thrilled to say this is the 2nd helping hand for our homeless we've gotten through connections on The Hive. YIPPEE!

All items are knitted. Sacha sent 4 pairs of mittens, 4 hats, and one headband.

Hope everyone is enjoying summer as it's nearing an end, busy with yarn and needles and hooks, and hope you all know how much your hard work is needed and appreciated. Remember every single item keeps someone warm, gives someone hope. There is no donation too small.

*****Only 5 posts left before we see who the winner of the contest is, but YOU still have time to enter, CLICK TO READ HOW*****

Scarves 174
Hats 282+4=286
Mittens 34+4=38
Socks 59

Hats 368
Mittens 66
Scarves 147
Socks 79 pair*counts from day 1, Dec 2 2008


  1. Wow. From France! I am impressed. Building international goodwill! Thanks, Sacha.

  2. That's pretty cool, isn't it Sandie. I'm continually working to spread the word far and wide; though I had no idea I would reach across the big water. lol


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