
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Edging and piecing together

crochet ghan for homelessThis is the second stage, stage I here. You can see it's coming together a bit more now that things are edged, or in this picture almost edged. Some squares and rectangles reguired 2 rounds, some 3 and some only 1 to make them fit. Several required a bit more than that. But, it's working. I had taken this photo a couple of days ago so am actually now further along in that this part of the edging is done. It's actually now more pieced together. Will keep you posted. My goal is to finish this in the next couple of days in order to get the 2 ghans out in the mail together to Pine Street. Goal...might not make it, but it's the goal I'm working towards.

**You still have time to get yourself entered in the blog contest and win free yarn.
Scarves 172
Hats 205+43=248
Mittens 19
Socks 59

Hats 368
Mittens 66
Scarves 147
Socks 79 pair*counts from day 1, Dec 2 2008

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