
Monday, August 2, 2010

Before Blocking a Knitted Afghan

knitted afghan for homelessThis is my completed corner to corner ghan. My first knitted ghan. I do enjoy knitting; but typically crochet ghans. This ghan is knitted corner to corner using the very basic dish cloth pattern starting out with casting on 4 stitches and ending up with 4 stitches before the bind off. I meant to count how many stitches were on the middle row before I began my decease but didn't. Knitting always requires blocking while crochet usually doesn't. One of the reason's I tend to crochet ghans more then knit them. However, I like the mindless ease of the corner to corner ghan and even when just using the basic stitch think the corner to corner business adds to the over all design of a ghan, adds interest I think. It also makes using up odds and ends easier as you don't have to worry about having enough yarn to make really long rows all the time. I didn't count the number of rows before changing colors, changed when I felt like it, or when the yarn looked like it might be running out. You can see some of the colors were repeated, some not. Even where the colors repeated, I might have stopped because I was at the end of that ball. Sometimes you have multiple little balls of the same color.

A good portion of this yarn was from my stash, some was donated by Dear Bunny, some from my DD, some from Rae's Mother, some from Lydia, and some from Tony. So, while I did the knitting, it seemed like a group project to me.

After putting it in the laundry, I blocked it for several days while I was working on the Bits of this and that ghan which will also be for our friends over at Pine Street.

**You still have time to get yourself entered in the blog contest and win free yarn.

Scarves 172
Hats 205+43=248
Mittens 19
Socks 59

Hats 368
Mittens 66
Scarves 147
Socks 79 pair*counts from day 1, Dec 2 2008


  1. Thanks Linda, I was pleased with it after it was blocked it squared up. I'll probably do another; but have several WIP I'm really trying hard to finish before starting a bunch of new ones. lol

  2. Love this, Sandy! I'm a fan of scrapghans. I agree the corner to corner diagonal look makes for a more interesting ghan and does help with using those smaller amounts of leftovers.

  3. Very nicely done! :)

    I'm a knitting newbie, so what do you mean when you say "blocking"?

    Also, any chance you could give a basic pattern of how to knit a corner-to-corner afghan? One day I'd love to try!


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