**Isn't it nice when people donate anonymously, that means they don't need or want a public attention?** Actually, no it's not nice in our setting for lots of reasons.
- In the past when I would receive a donation without a note, I would spend hours, sometimes days trying to determine from whom the donation came. Why? Because I don't have a way of knowing if they just forgot a note, or if they want to be anonymous. It's not uncommon to get a heads up something coming your way, forgot to put a note in the box. Since I can't look into my crystal ball to know if they forgot or if they wanted to be anonymous, I always expended lots of time and energy tracking people down. All those I tracked down were in fact people who'd forgotten...so I really never assumed someone wanted to be anonymous. Luckily, that particular problem has really lessened. THANK YOU
- When a donation comes without a note, I'm not able to let the person know their items actually made it here. Sadly, we have had a few situations with items lost in the mail, so it's best for everyone to know their items have been received...AND it saves them spending extra money to have it tracked. (also less of a problem now with the changes in parcel post.
- Obviously for my record keeping anonymous is a problem. I need my records to be visible and without question. You can be anonymous on the blog, but not with me.
- Sometimes I receive donations that aren't quite appropriate for our cause and it's important I have the ability to privately let the person know so they don't continue to send things that don't quite work.
- Sometimes I have items that require repair by me before they can be donated, and it's very important to communicate that so changes can be made in the future
- And..something I've never discussed here on line; but think perhaps it will help folks understand the magnitude of my being able to communicate with the individual, even if they wish to be anonymous on the blog. .. Bugs can nest in yarn and be transported from one house to another; bed bugs among them. No, I've not had this happen; but I do know someone that has been unfortunate enough to be in that situation. I did once, sometime back have a situation with yarn someone donated that I had to discard for related issues. My apologies for feeling the need to post this; but as we grow it's sadly one negative by product of growth.
All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.