Thank you Cynthia B for this awesome donation. As you can see she has been very very busy with her crochet hook. Lots of wonderful scarves to warm those in need. Please click to see all the colors. In the center of the picture, you can see scarves layed out, while the top and left side the scarves are folded. Did this in order to get them all in one photo. I love the mix of colors making the scarves good for for men and women.
She's also included socks which is so necessary, and 3 cotton washcloths.
The year is winding down, and what a year it's been. I think during these difficult times, all the donation you all have knitted and or crocheted have even more meaning to those that receive them.
Thank you Cynthia B, please keep up the good work and know you've made a difference in many lives.