
Thursday, January 21, 2021

Knitted and Crocheted Afghans for the Homeless

Woot Woot!  We're getting such a good start on our goal for afghans!  Thank you Sandra R from sunny Florida for these awesome afghans.  This first afghan is crocheted, corner to corner with a shell type stitch.  It's nice and warm, very solid. LOVE the colors, cherry but dark enough to work for a man or a woman.  
This second afghan is knitted with a dozen large squares and is, to my way of thinking a very modern take on granny squares.  I love the look.  Basically 6 colors with the off white as the joiner, primarily and the 7th color.  This must have been fun to make because it's so new and different.  AND this is sized so nicely will be suitable for an entire family.
And this one is the very traditional crocheted granny squares 14 in a row and 10 rows.  LOTS of changing colors and tucking ends.  But, oh so pretty.  Again the style, and color will work for a man or a woman, AND the size is nice and large for a family.  Well done Sandra R.

With these 3 afghans our count is climbing fast to 6 with our goal being 30, 1/5th of the way there.  I'm feeling really good about us hitting and surpassing that goal.

Please pop back in, this isn't Sandra's whole donation, I have more pictures of goodies for you.

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Beautiful afghans to keep some folks nice and cozy. Good to see those numbers going up so soon!

    1. Right you are, and it is exciting to see the numbers climbing so quickly here in the new year. Thanks for the visit and comment.

  2. Warm looking afghans Sandra R!

    1. Warm, cozy and so pretty! Thanks for the visit, always appreciated.


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