
Saturday, January 23, 2021

Hats, Scarves, Mittens and More

Thank you Sandra R for this awesome donation.  Folks if you missed the previous post, please scroll back, it shows 3 afghans which were also a part of this donation from our good friend Sandra R from sunny Florida.  It looks to me like she doesn't sleep!  Look how many hats, cotton wash cloths and mittens in addition to those 3 afghans...........AND
Scarves!  Please click the picture to enlarge so you can see the details.  She's knitted has with several different styles.  The 2nd row from the left are tube like hats that can have a folded brim, where the other hats are more rounded with lots of different texture.  AND of course you know I was clapping when I saw the mittens.  So many different colors in both her hats and scarves.  Such a nice variety.  All the hats and mittens are tagged with size.  Special thanks for doing that, it really saves time for the volunteers at the shelter.

As always, many thanks for all you do Sandra R, and please keep up the good work.  You really make a difference, an important one.

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. What a great donation Sandra R! So many items to keep people warm. You have been very busy.

    1. Right on the mark with your comments Sue. I always appreciate your visits and wonderful supportive comments.


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