
Thursday, August 29, 2019

Personal Care Items and Donation Goals for Bridge and Beyond

Personal Items I collected on my last out of town venture.  Hubby and Darling Daughter and I spend some time out in Park City, Utah.  It's a ski town about 45 minutes from Salt Lake.  We've enjoyed going there in July for about 10 years now.  The weather is fabulous, 80-90 degrees during the day and next to no humidity and cools off at night 50-60's.  You're in the mountains after all.  YEARS ago, when we young and hurt less to fall AND we were less fearful of broken bones, we did go in the winter and actually ski.  But, those days are long gone.

So, I collected up the shampoo, conditioner, soap, and lotion left in our rooms to add to our donations.  If you travel for pleasure or business it's such an easy thing to do and is always so well appreciated by those who receive our donations.  So, next time you travel; please consider doing this.

Have you noticed our graphs growing?  Our donation goal graphs?  Please look directly above this post and to the right side side.  We have goal graphs to monitor how we're doing against our goals.  Our goals represent last years totals.  I'm please to say we're at over 50% of our goals for two of our donation categories.  

Cotton Cloths, our graph shows us to be at .5904% of our goal of 347!  AND, our sock graph shows us at over 50% also at .5197% of our goal of 152 pairs of socks.  Always get pretty excited when we hit the half way mark, so please keep up the good work folks, and please keep an eye on the graphs and watch those numbers grow with your thoughtful donations.

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Very nice collection of personal care items Sandy. Your vacation sounds nice. I do like looking at the goal graph when a donation is posted. Great to see that 2 items are now half way there.

    1. Thanks for the visit Sue, always appreciated. I love the graphs also. Wish they worked a bit more automatic and the colored portion changed more to fill the square;'s the best I could find the last time I looked.


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