
Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Donating Personal Care Items and More!

Thank you Sue S for this awesome donation of goodies to help Ohio's Homeless here on Bridge and Beyond.  Sue's included lots of personal care items:
Female sanitary supplies (something often over looked)
dental floss
chap-stick (needed in all season for dry cracked uncomfortable lips)

She's been busy knitting and has donated cotton washcloths (always appreciate and have several uses), and a scarf.  A nice dark colored scarf suitable for a man or a woman......excellent.

Sue has also included 4 pairs of socks in her generous donation.  Socks are wonderful.  Socks are one of the items that are needed and appreciated all 4 seasons of the year.  Wet feet are cold feet....even in summer.

Many thanks Sue for your wonderful support here on Bridge and Beyond with your donations and you're always present visits and comments on the blog.  Please keep up the good work and know you are making a difference in the lives of many.

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Kudos to Sue! What a great donation. Such varied items and a dark scarf. I'm impressed. I can't work with dark colors anymore so I appreciate those who can take up my slack. :-)

    1. I find the darker colors harder than they used to be too Sandy, but the light you suggested helps a good deal. Daylight of course is far better. We're getting old my friend. Thanks for the visit and comment, always appreciated.

    2. Thank you! So far the dark colors aren't bothering my old eyes. I am sure one of these day it will. Guess I better use up the dark colors now before they bother me too.


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