
Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Knitted Hats Made With LOVE

Look at these cute hats!  Many thanks Karla T for this thoughtful donation of loomed knitted hats.  She has a nice variety of size and color.....and what a special touch, please click to enlarge so you can see the cute cute size tags she used!  These are adorable.  She's added the size to the back.

Made with Love!  How sweet and appropriate is that!  Looks like she's printed them on her computer, punched a hole and tied on with yarn.  And as I said above she's written the size on the back.  This makes the whole thing seem so much like a gift........which it is; but we might forget that from time to time.  When we think of donations, we may not equate that term with giving a gift.  We're giving a gift to say we care, we love you, we wish the best for you.

Karla, gotta win the day with these.  They really made me smile and brought back a memory.  When I first started knitting and crocheting for charity.........YEARS ago, someone on line found silver and gold charms that were shaped like a heart that said made with love.  I used to tie the charm onto afghans I made for Squares for Survivors.  A charity to benefit those in Louisiana from hurricane Sandy.  At least from memory I think it was Sandy.  Haven't used or seen or thought of those little charms in a long while; but....they didn't have the ability to add size which your cute size tags do!

Keep up the good work and know your hats have made 5 more people warmer, and they know someone cares for them.

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Nice, warm hats Karla T. You do have cute tags. Those will make someone feel special.

    1. Right you are on both accounts. Thanks for your supportive visits Sue, always appreciated.

  2. It was Hurricane Katrina but the thought is still the same. Helping others who are having a hard time of it. Nice job, Karla!

    1. Thanks Sandie for the memory help! I was trying to remember where those cute heart charms came from and how we used them. Thanks for the visit as well. Always appreciated.


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