
Monday, June 10, 2019

Donation for the Homeless from Sunny Florida, Take 3

Thank you Laura E from sunny Florida for this awesome donation.  I'm on a roll posting wonderful donations from our friends in the sunny state of Florida, lol.  Seriously scroll back to the previous 2 posts.  What's the mathematical likelihood of that happening?  Donations are posted in order of receipt so I got a kick out of this.

As you can see, our friend Laura has been very busy indeed.  She knitted up a storm.....look at the hats for example.  So many colors and sizes and all nicely tagged with size!  Something to warm lots of different heads.  She's also included personal care items, scarves, socks, and cotton washcloths. 

In addition to the knitted cotton washcloths, she's included store bought.

If you click to enlarge the picture, so you can see the details, you'll notice bundles...she's packaged matching scarves and hats by tying them together.  That's a lovely idea, thank you!

Please keep up the good work Laura and know how much of difference you've made for Ohio's homeless and others in need with your thoughtful and generous donation.  

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. What a wonderful donation Laura E! You have been very busy with all those great items that you made.

    1. Yes she really has been very busy. And many thanks for your visits and comments Sue!


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