
Friday, January 4, 2019

Knitting and More for Ohio's Homeless

YIPPEE, we're still counting donations from the year 2018, and here are more lovely knitted scarves and cotton washcloths from our friend Sue S.  LOVE the blue scarf, such a nice variegated and both scarves are suitable for a man or a woman.  That's a double plus.  Hand warmers and other personal care items round out Sue's thoughtful donation.  

Special kudos to Sue who is so faithful with her daily visits to the blog and her always supportive comments on what we're doing here on Bridge and Beyond.  She's truly our greatest cheerleader.  Thank you Sue.  I truly appreciate all that you do.

A donation came in yesterday which will be the last one to count towards our 2018 totals, so please keep checking in..........maybe you want to wager a guess to whom our last donation of the year is from?  If you do, post it in the comments, it'll be fun to see what folks think.

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Go Sue! Love that blue one! Someone is going to be warm and happy wearing that!

  2. Thank you Sandy for the kind words. I try to post a comment each day. I am trying to keep the blog up to the top.
    Thank you Cynthia. I liked the blue one also. It was fun watching how the variegated worked out.


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