
Friday, January 4, 2019

Crocheted Cotton Wash Cloths for Homeless

Looks, we got more cotton washcloths!  These are crocheted by our friend, Anne G.  Look at the fun variety of sizes, styles, and colors.  AND check out the two cute little fish!!

As I mentioned in the preceding post, cotton washcloth make such a nice donation because they have multiple uses.  No, they don't keep anyone warm; but they do help with ones personal hygiene.   Cotton washcloths are much softer and nicer to the body then traditional washcloths, plus they make people feel special ...that's always nice.  Not only are they used in bathing, but also as dish cloths for those in home situations and are included in welcome home packs.

Many thanks and keep up the good work Anne.

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.

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