
Friday, September 7, 2018

Personal Care and Afghans, Cardiac Collage and Jeweled Lines

Jeweled Lines is done...except I need to finish tucking in the ends, launder and block.  I've been way laid doing that...

Some person care items I collected during out recent trip to Park City, Utah.  I always collect jazz when we travel.

This is the afghan I'm currently working on.  The bottom block has the blue from the recent donation of yarn from Gail B (scroll back to previous post if you missed it).  This ghan will have lots of different colors, will not have a pattern to it, won't have equal amounts of color in each block, or even the same colors in each block.  This afghan is called Cardiac Collage.  I've been blogging about it on my person blog, Sandy's Space.  It's titled Cardiac Collage as I grabbed 2 skeins of yarn or parts there off when hubby and I were off to the ER recently.  He had a cardiac event.  I spent time there in the ER and subsequent day in his hospital room just knitting, with really no great plan in place.  The blog upper right with dark purple as a big part of the block, and 2 stripes of orange was the start and is the yarn I had with me at the time.  Cardiac events are 
helter, the afghan will be too.  

One block currently doesn't any yellow in it, one doesn't have any turqoise, 3 don't have orange but have peach, 3 with orange have o peach, 2 don't have lavendar, and currently only one has tan and blue.  Plan to add blue and tan to a couple , but don't want it to always been close to the will start 3 more blocks where I put those perhaps more in the middle...and red only in 3 ..will add some red in the new blocks too.  Using up odds and ends in part

Was nice to have something portable to tote during the hospital stay.

**The counts on our progress bars are current. All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Love the colors in Jeweled Lines!

    1. Thank you Lisa, I really liked the colors together too. Might go down as one of my fav's. You know sometimes as you're working on something it's ok,,,sometimes you really like it.

  2. Pretty afghan and I love the random coloring of the Cardiac Collage. How's your hubby doing now?

    1. He's doing well now. The meds they currently have him on seem to be doing the trick. Thanks for asking and thanks for the visit.

  3. Jeweled Lines is pretty! I am sorry to hear that your hubby as been in the hospital. I hope he is doing better. Cardiac Collage will be colorful when it is done. I will be looking forward to the picture.

    1. Thanks Sue, for your wonderful support and all your visits here.


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