
Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Personal Care Items so Essential for Homeless, All Year Long

Thank you Dianne L for this thoughtful donation.  So many really needed and appreciated items. Those hand warmer are awesome, and the lip balm really helps out for our folks living out in the elements.  Lots of good items here.  I delivery personal care items to Rae, our friend who feeds the homeless on Sat mornings, and to the shelters; they are always appreciated.  Personal care items are truly needed all year long, regardless of the weather conditions.

Many thanks and please keep up the good work!

I'm listing our end numbers from 2015 and will subtract our current number as means of keeping our goal in front of us.  I'll show the goal number in Red.  Let's strive not just to match last years numbers, towards even more.

Hats:  377
Scarves: 175
Mittens/Gloves/Wrist Warmers: 105
Slippers: 104
Rain Poncho's:  105
Cotton Washcloths: 444
Afghans:   18
Socks: 201
Cowls/Hoody Combo's, headbands:  11
Shawls and shrugs 1
Misc: items like personal care and things don't fit into above categories aren't counted

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. What a nice donation Dianne L. Personal care items are so nice to have. You sent a nice collection of them.

    1. Thank you Sue for your on going support with visits and kind comments, I truly appreciate it.

  2. Great donation and something always needed


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