
Thursday, January 14, 2016

Donations and Throw Back Thursday

Throw back Thursday, something started long ago in the blogging world has been adopted and used on Facebook.  I'm not sure how old I was in this picture, have to go look at the year.  It's a class picture of me way back in the dark ages.  I think I was perhaps in the 4th grade?

The picture has nothing to do with Bridge and Beyond, but since it's Thursday, I decided to that because I sadly don't have a picture to share of a generous donation from our friend and long time supporter Sue S.  I've been having "issues" adjusting to my new computer, transferring pictures and not being able to find them afterwards.  This windows 10 is very different it seems to me from my old Vista (what was that 3 or 4 operating systems ago).

Sue donated 2 scarves, 6 cotton washcloths, some always needed personal care items including those chemical hand warmers,  a hat and a handband.  I wish I could show you.

Thank you Sue and please keep up the good work.  Folks as I write this blog post it's 25 degrees, that's the warmest it's been in about a week.  Yesterday morning when I got up, it was 3 and really warmed up to 8, by the time I had to leave the house.  Please keep our homeless in your thoughts and prayers and do what you can with you knitting needles and crochet hooks.

I'm going to try something a little different with keeping our stats.  I'm listing our end numbers from 2015 and will subtract our current number as means of keeping our goal in front of us.  I'll show the goal number in Red.  Let's strive not match last years numbers, towards even more.  Thank you for all you do.  As time goes on, we won't see the year end numbers, we'll see the previous goal and subtract the new donation from it.  Hopefully we'll find this helpful and not too cumbersome...if so, we'll return to our previous format.

Hats: 444 -1 = 443
Scarves:186 -2 = 184
Mittens/Gloves/Wrist Warmers: 123
Slippers: 105
Rain Poncho's:  105
Cotton Washcloths: 454 -6 = 448
Afghans: 23
Socks: 201
Cowls/Hoody Combo's, headbands: 12 -1 = 11
Shawls and shrugs 2-1=1
Misc: items like personal care and things don't fit into above categories aren't counted

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Even if you don't have my donation picture, I am glad to help out the homeless. Just finished a scarf last night. Now to make some more items to send to you.

    1. Thanks so much for understanding. You're now the 3rd person I've heard say the same thing about windows 10. Makes me feel better to know I'm not the only one with the learning curve.

  2. I like old picture but I hate Windows 10 because it took months before all the kinks were worked out. I had to ask my ex to help with it since he knows computers and I have no clue. Glad the numbers are coming down and only 2 weeks into the new year

    1. Thanks Birgit, appreciate you're chiming in. Why can't they just leave the windows alone and stop all the changes.


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