
Saturday, October 3, 2015

Hats Needed for School Children at West Broad Street Elementary School

This is West Broad Street Elementary School here in Columbus.  It's one of several schools we here at Bridge and Beyond have helped with our donations over the years.  If you've visited the blog frequently, you probably remember a friend of mine Lynn, who made special deliveries for us.  Sadly both Lynn and her husband have health issues and won't be able to continue helping us in that manner.  Please keep Lynn and her hubby in your thoughts and prayers.

This school has many children in need, some are in fact homeless children.  As the name of group suggest, we help more then those homeless folks under the bridge.  We help those beyond, and so we will again this year help this school.  The simple fact of children being able to have a hat on their heads so they are warmer during recess is HUGE.  When a child doesn't have sufficient clothing to be outside during recess they don't get to play and socialize with other children their age.  I think we all know how necessary that play time is for kids with pent up energy, for kids to feel a part of their community at school and beyond.

A lady I've known for years on the internet (and hopefully one day we'll get to meet face to face), has started an event on Facebook that will aid the children at this school.  Elizabeth Parsons attended West Broad Street when she was a child and now she liked to give back.  Her quest is to donate 600  hats by November 2nd.  Hats should be sized for children 4-12.  Hats should be made with suitable colors to not show the dirt (basic same guidelines we've always used here on Bridge and Beyond), and not be made of wool or other specialty type fibers.

I currently have items that were to be delivered next week to various locations.  I will be re-sorting the donations  on hand to separate out hats for kids, so we that we here on Bridge and Beyond can help Elizabeth kick start her worthy quest.  Edited to add we've started Elizabeth off with 32 hats that are bagged and ready for her project for West Broad Street Elementary School.  Thank you to all the good folks who sent hats sized appropriately recently.  I'm happy to say after the resort, we still have a bag of items appropriate for kids (scarves primarily) that will be delivered this week to Homeless Families along with a bag for men and a bag for women.

The temps these past couple of days tells me the need for us to gear up to help our fellow man is truly upon us.  It was 47 yesterday when I first woke up yesterday and this am, 46.  Please keep your crochet hooks and knitting needles busy.

Doing a search here on the blog, I can see as far back as 2009 notes about our donating to this school. Below is a cut and paste of one of the Thank you's from their principal.

CCS Mission: Each student is highly educated, prepared for leadership and service, and empowered for success as a citizen in a global community.

October 14, 2011

To Our Friends at Bridge and Beyond,

On behalf of our students and staff, I would like to extend our sincerest gratitude for your donated hats and gloves. Our students are often deprived of clothes and essentials at home and the burden of supplying materials for all of our students becomes very costly. Your generosity and kindness will bring smiles to many students. Those students that receive your materials will surely be grateful and appreciative. It eases the minds of those students that are not prepared with warm clothes to be given them during the cold winter season. I am impressed with your dedication to the children and the neighborhood.

Again, I thank you, my staff thanks you, and most of all, the students thank you.


Pete Kurty, Principal

Hats: 308
Scarves 145
Mittens/Gloves/Wrist Warmers: 84
Slippers: 67
Rain Poncho's:  105
Cotton Washcloths: 346
Afghans: 20
Socks: 201
Cowls/Hoody Combo's/ 17
Shawls 2
Misc: items like personal care and things don't fit into above categories aren't counted

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. I hope you get all your hats and more! You do such great things!

    1. Thanks Katy, appreciate the visit and kind words.

  2. Well, I made a comment last night & when I look today, it isn't there for some reason.
    I have put Lynn on my prayer list. It is awful to think of Children going to school with no hats in the winter. Next weekend is a craft fair here in town. Last year a lady was selling hats for $2.50 each. I am planning on going there and seeing if she is there with children hats. I really can't make a hat for that price. I hope I can pick up a few hats for you.

  3. I have some hats here that I just need to get mailed. Hopefully I can get there this week.

  4. This is sad and heart warming at the same time. I will try to actually make some children size even though I normally do adult male sizes. This is a worthy cause.

  5. I went to the craft fair today. Not many vendors at all. The lady who made the hats last year wasn't there this year, so I didn't get to buy hats. :(


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