
Sunday, May 24, 2015

Thank you Beth G for Helping The Homeless

Thank you Beth G for this wonderful donation for Ohio's Homeless.  Beth has crocheted scarves,and cotton washcloths and has included socks and personal care items as well.  Even though we have finally warmed up here in Ohio during the days,the nights are still cool, and we still have some of the wet dreary weather difficult for the homeless to contend with; soooooo please don't stop knitting and crocheting folks.  The need does indeed continue through out the year.  And, when we might reach a point where folks are currently in need, we then stock up all the various shelters and Rae, so they are always  prepared.

I want to thank all the new visitors supporting us through their visits and thoughtful comments from The A-Z challenge and am thrilled some of our new friends are busy and knitting and crocheting and or looking to see what they might do to help, either here or in their own areas.  We need to continue to spread the information about the severity of homelessness and spread the news about what can be done throughout our country.

Hats: 218
Scarves 80+2=82
Mittens/Gloves/Wrist Warmers: 45
Slippers: 63
Rain Poncho's:  53
Cotton Washcloths: 161+16=177
Afghans: 11
Socks: 141+6=147
Cowls/Hoody Combo's/ 17
Shawls 1
Misc: items like personal care and things don't fit into above categories aren't counted


All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks for popping in Sherry, and right you are.

  2. GOOD JOB BETH. all needed items for the homeless. It is a rainy dreary day here today and I am sure any of those items would be welcome by the people who are out in the elements, Not cold out, but a damp chill is sometimes worse then cold especially for those of us with joint problems. Not a weekend for picnics or outdoor celebration here. GOD BLESS THE HOMELESS.marj in minnesota

    1. It's been nice weather wise the last couple of days here, finally nights and sun during the day, but I think we're slated for rain today. We had planned to cookout tonight, Dad's coming for we'll see how it goes. Thank you for your visit.

  3. Nice donation Beth! All the items will be nice to have when a person is homeless.
    Have a safe Holiday weekend everyone. Planning on going to the parade on Monday, if it isn't raining. Let's remember and thank the Vets for our freedom.

    1. Hope you're able to go to the parade, and yes let's all remember to think of those who gave all. Don't think there's a parade in our community, but probably one elsewhere.

    2. Yes, I did walk down to see the parade. It was very small. The rain stayed away until this afternoon.
      Hope you were able to have your cookout Sandy.

  4. Another wonderful donation and my mom in law crocheted wash clothes which I loved. This will come in handy

    1. Thanks for the thoughtful comment Birgit. People really love the hand knit/crocheted cloths. Not just our homeless and those at the shelters, they really are nice to have, and make nice gifts too. Does your Mother in Law still make them for you?

  5. What a generous donation! The warm socks will be especially helpful on cool nights. I also like the colorful washcloths. Beth did an outstanding job! Wishing you a wonderful Memorial Day, Sandy and Beth!


    1. Thank you Julie for the visit and thoughtful comment, both are appreciated. Wishing you the same.

  6. It is wonderful work you're doing. I think I mentioned before that our local Michael's craft store accepts squares that one of their workers then works into patchwork afgans.

    1. Then once put together where are they donated? Always like learning about good causes. Thanks Susan for the visit, much appreciated.

  7. Crocheted hand clothes--that's smart.

    I'm sure my blog didn't make a whole lot of sense yesterday. Writers sometimes have a muse to inspire them, but my "Clyde" voice is there to give me a little kick in the pants when I get lazy or anxious. He is an entertaining character.

    1. Thanks for the peek inside, it's nice you have "Clyde". We all need a little help in the right direction from time to time.

      The washcloths are always a HUGE hit.

  8. Crocheted hand clothes--that's smart.

    I'm sure my blog didn't make a whole lot of sense yesterday. Writers sometimes have a muse to inspire them, but my "Clyde" voice is there to give me a little kick in the pants when I get lazy or anxious. He is an entertaining character.

    1. Oophs forgot to say thanks for the comments.

  9. What a generous donation! I hope you had a nice long Memorial Day Weekend. We had beautiful weather here in Philadelphia. I went to a horse show in the area and then to a barbecue at my daughters.

    1. Thank you Doreen for the supportive visit and comment. Sounds like you had a nice long wkend. We did as well, mostly doing yard work here.

  10. May God bless you richly as you bless the homeless and the needy. Thanks for this inspiration! I too was for a number of times a beneficiary of someone's generosity so I have it in my heart to pay forward in my own little way.

    1. Thank you for the sweet comment SweetBraveHeart, much appreciated. I love your attitude of paying forward. Hope to see you here again on Bridge and Beyond.


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