
Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Bright Desert and Blue Sky in The Works

Say hello to Blue Sky.  You might remember it from when it was designed if you've been following the blog for awhile.  It's been in que waiting it's turn to become a precious afghan for a family. And to make that a reality it recently  joined
Bright Desert in a trip from Ohio to Vermont to visit our good friend Sarah S.  Both Blue Sky and Bright Desert arrived at Sarah's excited to visit and get assembled.  They're feeling a bit disjointed and fragmented and are looking forward to becoming whole. don't think the yarn/squares talk?  Psss, I'm hear to tell you otherwise, really...I'm not crazy.  The squares do speak to me as I make designs and think of names.  Often Bridge and Beyond Members help with the names.  So many shades of blue in the first afghan...and the sky's the limit are what came to mind in it's naming.  The Desert to some is void of color, but depending on the time of the day, the type of light, the time of the year it can be brilliant.  Blue Sky above, tan earth, mauves, pinks, purples and oranges in both colors of flowers and in the rocky formations.

Will be anxious to see their transformation from our friend Sarah's capable and skilled hands.  What colors will she use to bring them together?  Many many thanks Sarah for your help!!

Can you imagine the stories behind all these squares?  You can see the variety in style, color, shape and size...more so with Blue Sky, then Bright Desert; but there too.  Made from many hands, traveled here to Ohio, then to Vermont and ultimately back to Ohio to meet up with a family through Homeless Families Foundation where the stories will continue.

Hats: 218
Scarves 80
Mittens/Gloves/Wrist Warmers: 45
Slippers: 63
Rain Poncho's:  53
Cotton Washcloths: 161
Afghans: 11
Socks: 131
Cowls/Hoody Combo's/ 17
Shawls 1
Misc: items like personal care and things don't fit into above categories aren't counted


All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. SARAH HAS HER WORK CUT OUT FOR HER. These are both going to be lovely when completed. Oh yes, the squares do talk. I hear them, I know you do Sandy, and I am sure Sarah will as she designs the pattern and completes the project.Squares in afghans and quilts have been talking to people for years. Even back in the covered wagon days when women worked on them as the wagons crossed the country. Many stories were woven around the colors and squares and designs used in a quilt or blanket whether it was made for a relative or newly married couple. It has continued over the years, and does even now. I can see it in the ladies of my crochet club who talk as they work on a project, and tell us what they are making and why.Hats for the children on the reservations, a sweater set for a first grandchild, an afghan for a granddaughters graduation from college. This is probably one of the first ways of telling stories and communicating with loved ones and people we care about. Your Blankets for the homeless families definitely do talk.
    Could use an afhgan myself this morning. 38 degrees and sunny. Plants covered to avoid the cold or brought inside. Should be warming today. Warm by the weekend.
    GOD BLESS THE HOMELESS. marj in minnesota

    1. Thank you Marj for such a sweet discussion. I always look forward to your thoughtful comments, it's like we're chatting over coffee. We're cool this am too, and still very wet. Sipping hot coffee, got a sweater on, hoping it warms up enough I can limber up this body and get a good walk in today. The rains have really kept me from being able to do that lately.

  2. Hey, you actually got me cleaning out my crafts room and looking for my crochet squares of the past. When I find them and get a blanket together... it is yours. I love the blues!

    1. Awesome Katy, many thanks clean away my friend.

  3. The first does remind me of the sky and sea and calm. The other is brilliant in the opposite colours(blue and orange). I have not seen the desert for real but from pictures it can look so beautiful depending on the sun

  4. Beautiful colors and lay out. I like the names too. They will be wonderful when they are together. I can't wait to see them.

  5. Those afghans will look so nice when the squares are put together. My yarn talks to me also. It will say, I want to be a hat, or I want to be a scarf. Cold here in MI also. The weather people are saying low of 33 tonight. A nice blanket is still very nice to have in this chilly weather.

  6. I love how the orange, purple and beige work together. I'll probably be posting a sneak preview of my blanket this weekend. :-)


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