
Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Yarn Helps Homeless

 Today is Y for the A-Z Challenge, and Y = Yarn.  This cute and rather fun comic was posted both on Facebook and here on my blog, Bridge and Beyond some time back...thought it was good enough to give it another go round.  I'm a person who doesn't like to shop, if you know me, you've heard me say that 1000 times..........yarn shopping excluded from that statement.
Yarn comes in many colors, weights, and textures and can be made into almost anything you can think of with knitting, crocheting, and looming.  This array of yarn was donated.  Some of these colors you might recognize as being part of The Learning Logs Afghan I've been knitting.

You writers and story tellers may think of something entirely different when you see or hear the word yarn, you may think of stories.  People used to sit on the front porches and spin yarns........tell stories.  Well, yarn as pictured here tells stories too.  The story is how it became yarn, how it jumped into someone's shopping basket wanting to find a home, how it called out to the knitter/crocheter about what item it should become, and then how it warms someone on a cold night sleeping outside, and gives both physical and emotional help/warmth and hope.

Yarn is a powerful thing, and what's made from it.......goodness it tells a story.  A story of how someone you don't know, took their precious time to make something out of love and yarn for just you.  And so there are many stories about yarn and Homeless.

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. A yarn shop is a great place to go an a dreary, sunless day....the colours will give you a lift, guaranteed.

    1. You are so right Delores. And like charmin, it's fun to squeeze all the yarn.

  2. Replies
    1. Yep. One simply can not have too much yarn.

  3. I love yarn shopping! I'm a touchy feely person. I have to touch all the yarn. It really makes me smile. Love the pic also. Lol

    1. You and me both, it's like the old Charmin commercial...I want to squeeze it all.

  4. I adore shopping for Yarn, which is great, because at the moment I'm making a huge multi-colored blanket for my bed.

    1. Awesome Misha, love to see pictures of your multi-colored blanket.

  5. I use to love to shop for yarn when I was able to get out. Now I order online and just can't wait to "feel and touch" the yarn when it comes.

    Sandy, you have quite a way with words on your blog. I always enjoy readying your posts.

    1. Thank you for your visit and what a sweet thing to say Sherry, much appreciated.

  6. Yarn, I have lots & lots. I normally knit every day, but the last few days I haven't due to planning a funeral. The funeral was today, so I am going to take the rest of this evening and knit on a dishcloth.

    1. You've been on my mind so much, so sorry you had to go through that SSeger. Knitting can be very helpful with getting through stressful times.

  7. The multi-colored ones are my favorite.
    Hi, Sandy. Thanks for finding me through the A-Z, and thank you for hating Martha Stewart.

    1. Loved you're poking fun. Multi-colors are fun, you just never know how it's going to turn out.

  8. Like everyone else, I too love yarn. I sometimes buy it without having a project in mind...

    1. I buy it most of the time without a project in mind, lol

  9. The Facebook photo is hilarious. Multi hued yarns look very pretty.

  10. I'm laughing at that photo too! I admire anyone that knows what to do with yarn and can create something beautiful from basically pretty string. I have no clue how or where to start:)

    1. Glad you enjoyed the picture. I've taught many people to knit or crochet over the years, too bad we're not in the same city, I would happily teach you.


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