
Tuesday, April 28, 2015


A-Z Challenge = X= Xenophobia.  Not exactly the easiest letter to work with, and then once the word was found, also not easy to find a photo that works.  Fear of foreigners, fear of someone different is the loose definition of the word.  Though the picture doesn't perhaps show fear...fear often manifests itself into mockery and judging of the other party.  Homeless people are often misunderstood, often made fun of, often mistreated, often judge.  They are judged to be lazy, judged to be criminals, judged to be alcoholics and druggies.  We fear what we don't know, what we don't understand.  Some do choose to be homeless, but many don't.  For many it's just something that happens.  They lose their job and they can't pay bills, and they get evicted.  They have a bad illness which wipes them out financially causing the same effect.  They have a drug or alcohol problem which causes them to fall down the same path.  They come back from service to their country broken, they don't fit in, they can't hold a job, they have mental illnesses left untreated.  There are many reason for homelessness.

One of hardest things for a homeless person to fight is in fact the Xenophobia people have.  People look the other way, they don't want to speak to them out of fear.  They don't want to be asked, with perhaps pleading eyes for help of some kind.  They don't want to be judged.  They don't want to be blamed.

What can you do to help Homeless People?  Donate money, donate clothing, donate time at a soup kitchen, smile and say hello when you pass one.  Donate here through Bridge and Beyond through your time with yarn.  Ask what your church does in your community about homelessness.

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. yes, what can I do for my brother or sister?
    A homeless man once stopped me...It took a while to be able to hear what he was saying. He was giving me some cash and wanted me to go inside a shop to buy him some chocolate as they would not serve him. I was glad he trusted me enough to ask.
    Another time I went in a chinese take-away. I recognised a man in there at the counter- he was someone who used the drop in service for homeless people where I was an advice worker. They would not give him any food...when I left I gave him a bag of chips/fries...kindness goes a long way.

    zannierose A-Z

    1. So glad you were there and able to help. How sad they wouldn't serve these people. It's so wrong, they weren't even asking for a hand out, and still people treated them badly. Thank you for your thoughtfulness Zannie.

  2. I have never heard of that word, but the meaning is well known. Thanks for introducing that one to me.

    1. Thank you for the visit Katy, appreciate it.

  3. I too, have never heard of that word. I will continue to put my needles and yarn to work.

    1. Happy you and your needles are busy. Thank you for the supportive visits and comments.

  4. I learned a new word today. I have never been uncomfortable around any of the homeless people I've been around. I just wish sometimes I could help more, but like I said before, I do the best I can and hope others will do the same.


    1. Glad you're able to help Betty, if everyone would do just a little what a different world it could be.

  5. great advice. Hopefully we can all follow it.

    1. Thank you Marcy for the visit and comment, much appreciated. Right you are, something we need to practice.

  6. I've just finished a book about a veteran from Iraq who was heading down the path of homelessness. He suffered from the people who looked the other way.

    1. Would love to know the name of the book Sheila.

  7. Fantastic post - love your take on xenophobia!

    1. Thank you for the visit and comment, appreciate it.


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