
Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Knitted, Crocheted or Loomed Mittens Needed

A-Z Challenge = M= Mittens
Mittens are an item we never get enough of.  Mittens aren't the easiet things to knit (as shown in the picture) or crochet shown below.
There are many styles, these are just 2.  Because they're not the easiest to knit or crochet we just have a harder time donating lots of them; but we continue to strive.  We also accept fingerless gloves/wrist warmers.
Each item we collect and donate has it's tab across the top of the blog with necessary information regarding size, colors, and fibers types to use as well as what to avoid.  We also list some patterns that people find helpful to use.  If you can help us with knitting, crocheting, or looming mittens and or writst warmers...........Please do!  Every shelter asks us for more then we've been able to donate in the past.  They are needed for folks living under the bridge, as well as the kids in schools with need.

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. I admire anyone who can knit mittens and talent extends to scarves and on a REALLY good day, maybe a hat. Go knitters.

    1. I've not mastered mittens yet either, but it's #1 on my list to try to master this year.

  2. I have to agree with Delores. Mittens are definitely not my thing. I would love to be able to do it but it seems to be a talent that I am not able to master. Warm hands are so important, and the Fingerless gloves were a wonderful idea especially when accompanied by the little gloves we all buy and keep in the car for emergencies.I am going to try to conquer the fingerless glove this year.Cant make any promises but you can be sure I will be out here trying.:+)GOD BLESS THE HOMELESS. marj in minnesota

    1. Right you are Marj, pairing fingerless with those little gloves was a brillent idea, It's such a good idea for those of us who've not mastered mittens either with knitting or crocheting.

  3. I will keep that in mind! I don't know that I will ever manage to knit or crochet any, but if I can find someone who does or purchase some for the cause, mittens are what I will spend my money on!
    P.S. You asked about Joy in a Jar on my J post - anything that shows up in a slightly different colour and is underlined on my posts is a hyperlink to instructions on how to create it! I haven't done Joy in a Jar yet, but I have done Birthday in a Box and a Basket of Sunshine (coming up on "S") They are all super fun gift ideas!

    1. Brandy, I asked because I didn't see anything that looked like a link, might be because I'm using my ipad while we're out of town and things just don't show up as well. I'll have to pop over and look again. The smaller screen, print etc makes things a bit harder to see for these older eyes.

  4. Cool; I just realized, glad you mentioned it, that you have the information about what to use for yarns, etc., listed on your blog :) I will definitely check that out once this challenge is over :)

    (glad you are enjoying a bit of a break with the weather and enjoying this fine state; a bit cool this morning here)


  5. I used to be intimidated with making mittens until I came across panda man's mitten pattern. It's so quick and easy. The size can be easily adjusted for child to adult. No other mitten pattern worked for me.

  6. I am not a mitten maker either. I have made a pair of fingerless gloves, made flat and the sewed up the side. I will have to try and make another pair.

  7. I thought I wrote here already:) I love those colourful mittens and everything you make and the others as well, helps so many people. These are things the average person takes for granted

  8. I could never quite get the hang of knitting or crocheting. I admire that you can do it so well, but so much more, I admire your tenacity in helping others.


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