
Thursday, April 16, 2015

Caring for the Needy

A-Z Challenge = N= Needy
Doing a search for the definition of needy I found this:
: not having enough money, food, etc., to live properly
: needing a lot of attention, affection, or emotional support

Certainly someone curled up on the sidewalk is in need of help.  It's hard to get through a day when you don't see some kind of need, see someone in need.  None of us have the ability to supply all the needs of those in need, but we can do what we can day at a time, one kindness at a time, one donation at a time.

We here on Bridge and Beyond care for the homeless and the needy.  In addition to caring for the homeless that live in the elements, and the shelters, we care for children in need at schools in low income areas.  Many of these children are homeless, or come from a home one step above being homeless.  We supply hats, scarves, and mittens to schools so those children in need can join their classmates and go outside for recess vs staying in.........being shunned because they are different.

There are so many needs, surely there is something each of us can do to help.

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. So many people in need. Almost feels like there is nothing we can do to help. Amazing how little it takes to help someone in need. I see them a lot in a city as large as this one. They are everywhere holding signs on highway ramps, waiting in the grocery store parking lots, sitting on benches in the park.Some a little scarey at times. Some asking for money, but most just looking for any kind of help you can give.I will admit there are times when I have helped someone and then questioned myself as to whether they really needed the help or not.I guess we cant always be sure and maybe there is a time when we are scammed. We can only go with our gut feeling. Again, there but for the grace of God go I. Please everyone do what little or as much as you can. It all helps.GOD BLESS THE HOMELESS. marj in minnesota

    1. But for the Grace of God go I, that truly does say alot my friend. It's best to not question yourself, you helped with a pure heart and that's what matters.

  2. That is neat how you supply hats/mittens/scarves to the children who are homeless so they can feel "normal" and not miss recess with their friends. I heard it said years back that most people are one pay check away from being homeless. It could happen to any of us; I would like to think someone would help me in my hour of need and that's why I try to help others in their hour of need the best I can.


    1. Exactly right Betty, people like to distance themselves and fail to realize it's something that happens everyday and it could happen to anyone.

  3. It's indeed amazing what you guys do.

  4. Thank you for doing what you do. It is important and means much to those you are helping. Glad you're posting this here on the A to Z this month as hopefully it will reach a lot of people. Lisa, co-host AtoZ 2015, @

    1. That's my hope Lisa, to have more people know about us, know about the need, and join in.

  5. Now there's a picture that sends ice down your spine.

    1. Truly it is a picture that pulls at your heart strings.

  6. What a sad picture. There is such a great need the this country of America. I know some people don't want handouts. They would be glad to have a job again. But until things pick up more in this USA, there will be Need. So many people are a paycheck from being Homeless.

    1. Right you are Sue, there is such a great need, and some folks are only a short step from this plight.

  7. The sad part is people who are NOT 'needy' cannot differentiate between needs and wants. And those who are 'needy' often struggle to even get basic needs.... You are doing a wonderful job. God Bless!

  8. how lovely that you give the children something to enable them to go out to play.
    When I worked with women in a shelter we were always grateful for donations

    zannierose A-Z

  9. In the land of milk and honey one does not expect to see the homeless especially young children. That you help with clothing and other donations is magnanimous.

  10. Even in my sheltered area of the world, there is always someone needing help. Certainly we should help where we can...every time we can, even if it's a very small thing...or a really big thing. The photo is an eye-opener, and anything I thought was bad in my little world today suddenly became a non-issue.


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