
Sunday, October 5, 2014

Crocheted Hats Warm Homeless Heads

Thank you AnneMarie for this generous donation of crocheted hats for our homeless here in Ohio.  AnneMarie has been such a faithful supporter of Bridge and Beyond.  So many folks have benefited by her thoughtfulness and skillful crochet hook.  Extra thanks for tagging ALL your hats with size!  Such a nice variety in both color and sizes.

As always, please keep up the good work AnneMarie; we certainly appreciate you.

Hats: 609+10=619
Scarves: 331
Socks: 141
Afghans: 16
Slippers: 77
Rain Ponchos: 61
Mittens & Gloves: 68
Cotton Washcloths: 247
Shawls, Sweaters, Vests, Poncho's, Skirts, and Shrugs etc. 13
Neck warmers, cowls, gators, wrists warmers/fingerless gloves and other misc items aren't tabulated; as well as personal care item

All donations regardless of size and number are valued. All donations are appreciated. The Power of One is awesome, and when we work together The Power of One becomes The Power of Many.


  1. MARJ MORTON/ 50 DEGREESOctober 5, 2014 at 8:00 PM

    Beautiful hats as usual AnneMarie. So many colors and they all look nice and warm. As Sandy said, many people have been protected by your big heart and flying crochet hook. We need more people with your love for those who cannot help themselves. Thank you. GOD BLESS THE HOMELESS.

  2. AnnMarie, I llike all your hatsThe pink and green one the best. nice donation.Keep up the good work. Rosemarie..

  3. AnneMarie you always have such great donations! The hats look nice and warm and are perfect colors.

  4. Very nice hats AnnMarie. I like the brown flecked one. More warm heads this winter!


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